Chapter 3

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I knew dinner was not going to take a good turn when my dad came in.
It's not that he's mean or anything, he's just really embarrassing when it comes to having guys over.
"Dad. Before you say or do anything else, they're just my friends." I said slowly walking up to him.
"This is Luke, Michael, Ashton, and Calum." I said pointing to each one of the boys. They each have him a small wave.
"Well.." He said walking up to them and putting a hand on Michael and Calum's back. "Then we should all be able to enjoy dinner together, right?" My dad said looking at Michael and Calum.
Holy shit they looked terrified.
"No. No no no no no. We're eating in my room." I said grabbing the boys and pulling them away from my dad.
"Oh come on. I promised I won't stab any of them with a fork!" He said begging.
"DAD!" I yelled shewing the boys up stairs with their plates.
"Oh I'm just teasing. Just don't have too much fun upstairs." He said with a chuckle.
I rolled my eyes.
I grabbed my plate and headed back up stairs with the guys.
I walked into my room and they all looked like they about shit their pants down stairs.
"He was just messing around guys." I said plopping onto my bed next to Luke.
They all let out a sigh of relief.
Did they really think he was serious..?
We continued small talk in my room, but Luke said nothing. He's eyes glued to his phone.
I didn't say anything to him until he started smiling at his phone.
The other 3 guys were in a deep conversation.
"What are you smiling at?" I said to Luke trying to look over his shoulder at his phone.
"Nothing.." He said with a smirk pulling his phone away from me.
"Luke! Let me see!" I said jumping over him to his phone.
He still had that stupid smile.
"Fine. Go look at my snapchat story." He said with a smirk.
I pulled my phone out and opened the app.
The first 3 pictures on his story were of food, but the next one was of me.
Well me and him.
As I looked closer I saw that I was sleeping.
This is when I had my arm draped around him.
His caption box said, "aww clary".
"Luke! People are gonna take that the wrong way!" I said in a hushed whisper.
"Oh they already have. For the past hour I've been responding to texts over that photo." He said with a laugh and a smirk.
"Luke! Take it off your story!" I said smacking him in the arm.
I don't want people getting the wrong idea.
Especially because it's Luke.
If it was Ashton though...
"No!" He said pulling his arm away from me.
"Why!" I said reaching for his phone again.
"Because it's cute." He said looking at the picture smiling.
I felt my face heat up.
Did he just...?

He caught onto my silence. "Oh no. I didn't mean it like that. It's a cute photo." He said turning into a tomato with me.
"Fine." I said crossing my arms and sitting back.
I looked at the clock.
10:00 p.m
I closed my eyes for a minute but ended up falling asleep again.


I woke up with the light from the window blinding me.
I let my eyes focus before I got up.
Well, tried to get up.
Something was on top of me.
That's when last night came flashing back.
I turned my head slightly to see Luke next to me.
I wanted to fucking scream.
I looked around my room.
The other 3 guys were gone.
Why the fuck is Luke still here?
I saw my phone on my bed a grabbed it without moving Luke.
I had a text from my mom.
It read:
"Hey sweetie. Me and dad left for work. I went into your room last night and saw you and Luke asleep so I decided it'd be fine to let him stay round. I already texted his mom. The other 3 boys left once they noticed you sleeping last night. Text me if you need anything."
That explains.
I decided to get up.
I slowly wiggled out of Luke's arm and got out of bed.
I saw my cat sleeping in the floor and gently picked her up.
She's my fucking baby don't judge me.

I slowly opened my bedroom door and made my way into the bath room with my cat.
I set her down on the floor and started up a shower.
I made sure to lock the door incase Luke decided to be a dick.
Once I was done with my shower I wrapped my body with a towel before it occurred to me that I don't have clothes in here.
I have to go back to my room where Luke is.
I slowly opened the bathroom door with my towel tightly around me.
I made my way across to my room.
I opened the door quietly hoping Luke was still asleep.
Thank god he was.
I went to my dresser and began to construct my outfit.
I grabbed my bra and underwear, some black jeans, a ATL muscle tee and my vans.
That's when Luke woke up.
"Whoa Clary. Finally decided to let me get in you?"
He scared the shit out of me.
I jumped around nearly dropping my towel.
"Close your eyes!" I said hugging my towel closely to my body so it doesn't fall.
He lifted himself up onto his elbow.
"What if I don't want to?" He said with a devilish smirk.
I let out a sigh and grabbed my clothes carefully making my way back to the bath room.
My cat was still in here.
I quickly changed and went back to my room to see my bed made and Luke sitting on the floor with no shirt on.
He whistled when I came in.
My face started burning.
I ignored him.
I went and sat down at my vanity/dresser and plugged in my blow dryer.
I started blow drying my hair with out saying a word to Luke.
I then plugged in my straightener.
Honestly I sucked at doing this because I always burn myself.
Fuck long hair.
And of course with in the first 5 minutes I burnt my finger.
I dropped my straightener and screamed, "Fuck!"
Luke got up and walked over to me.
"Here let me do it." He said picking up the straightener.
"Do you even know how to use one?" I said annoyed.
"Yes. I'll have you know that in 7th grade their wasn't a day when I wouldn't use one." He said with a chuckle.
I laughed because it brought back some funny memories.

His Snapchat: Luke Hemmings Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now