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[Just editing grammar mistakes, sorry for the false alarm, I'll update next week for sure and I'll try to keep it consistent.]

Jace POV
After ordering my pizza, I sat in front of the tv and waited for a bit. A few minutes past and the doorbell rang indicating someone was here. I bolted for the door opening it to a pizza delivery guy, grabbing my food jumping on the couch in front of the tv switching it on to my favorite show.

Getting comfortable in my position, I reached into my pockets to keep my hands warm, feeling an unfamiliar item in one of the pockets and pulled out the ring I found earlier.
guess I forgot about it
I looked closer to examine it in a better light but now that I see it, it didn't look like your ordinary ring, yeah I know every ring looks the same but this one was different. It had a thicker shank and the diamond was .... glowing? 

"What the..." It started burning in my fingers making me flinch dropping the ring. Ok, I know for a fact that rings don't do that.

I got up backing away from the ring as the brightness increased. Reaching for the towel that was hanging on the oven handle, I threw it on the ring to cover the light that was blinding my eyes.

A million questions were running through my mind, How do I fix this?, What do I do?, why the hell is it glowing so aggressively?! A few seconds after the 'light show', small beeps started coming out of the ring, which oddly sounded like a bomb. So without hesitation I sprinted for the door shutting it on my way out expecting to hear an explosion.... nothing occurred. Surprised, I slowly creaked the door open to see what the delay was, and just as I thought nothing was gonna happen...

BOOM💥 *bomb sound effect🤠* Just like that the lights went out.

I found myself in an unknown setting. White curtains, a constant rhythm of beeps and the smell of 2 minute noodles. At first, everything was blurry but when my vision became clearer I realised that I was in the hospital. I looked down to see myself shirtless, exposing scars and burns I didn't even know I had, then on my upper forearm, there were bandages and tubes connecting to my body. Whenever I moved pain was all I felt. Confused, I turned to my side and saw Kyle eating 2 minute cup noodles.

"Kyle?" I squinted at him confused
He looked up from his phone and gave the weirdest  expression.

"So you're finally awake?" What is this man talking about... finally? He stood up and walked towards the bin across the room and discarded the empty noodle cup.

"You've been asleep for months Jace. I'm sure you can do the math" Staring at the wall nonchalantly, my eyes widened as I realised what he meant.

"My job.." I exclaimed in a whisper.

"Aren't you smart. Until further notice, you're no longer working with me. Good day Jace." He got up grabbing his coat from the rack and left before I could say anything.

For some reason, I didn't really care. All I wanted to know was, What the hell happened to me?

A sudden knock at the entrance dragged me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see a surprised nurse.

"Oh Jace, you're awake. How do you feel?" She asked in an empathetic manner. Now that she mentioned it, I feel fine. The pain I felt earlier was gone. That's weird

"I'm actually feeling okay. But before you leave can you tell me what happened? Why am I here?" I asked desperate for answers. The nurse looked at me shocked, probably because I couldn't remember.

"Jace, there was a bomb in your apartment and you got hurt really bad. The bomb knocked you out so hard that you've been in a coma for about 5 months now."

The ring.. It finally makes sense now. The ring, the glowing, the bomb... It was from that ring! Did they find it though?

"Do you by any chance, know where that bomb came from?"

"Now that you mentioned it, there was no trace of evidence of anything that could have possibly set off that bomb... The investigators gave up on it months ago" She said with a thinking expression.

"Thank you nurse" I said as she left me in my thoughts, trying to analyze the new founded information. After hearing what she said, I gulped and looked down. Something isn't right here, there was no trace of evidence? I call bullcrap. That ring was made of steel and iron by the feel of it, I'm guessing. It couldn't have disappeared into thin air like that, not after it almost took my life with that bomb. You'd think that professionally trained investigators would find it, it was probably the most obvious thing to see, I mean, I found it on the side of the road.

So why didn't they find it?

All that thinking made me tired, maybe because I basically haven't been using my brain for 5 months. Little did I know someone was watching me and keeping note on every move I made.

- rue rodriguez

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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