HEADON floor

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Where is this?

Am I already in the tower?

This place is somewhat similar to the cave where I live, rather dark and above there is a purple light. On the walls, there are also carvings.

"Ah-ha, it's been a long time since this place has been visited by visitors like you."

From behind the darkness, someone came walking towards me, no, he was more look like a monster.

"Who are you?"

"It's also been a long time since a visitor opened the gate himself."

what is he talking about?

"Welcome to this tower, young master."

So right, I was already in the tower. Rachel told me that she went to this tower to fulfill her wish.

I specifically did not have any desire that made me want to climb this tower. It's just that it would be better for me to leave the cave and see the outside world.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Hohoho, where are my manners." he laughed

"Ahem, my name is Headon. I am the guardian of the ground floor of this tower. What is your name, young master?" 

"... Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

"Hmm, a strange name, but ... never mind. So Mr. Ayanokouji, how did you get here?"

"I have no idea."

"You don't know? Fufufu."

"Why are you laughing?"

"What do you want so you can get to this tower."


"You seem doubtful. Let me tell you, wealth, eternal life, absolute power, magic, truth, or the happiness of the world, everything is up there. This tower ... is such a place."

Is it possible to get all of it in this tower? This might seem absurd to me, but the world I live in now is different from the past. At least for now, I will assume that what this monster said is true.

''Freedom, maybe"


"Freedom, not bound by anything, not locked up or confined. That's what I want."

"Hohohoho, you will definitely get it up there. But remember, this is a difficult and painful journey. You will have a test on every floor of this tower, and if you pass the test then you have the right to go up to the next floor. Of course, every floor will have different difficulties. Just like what you will face right now. "

In short, there will be a test that determines whether I can go up to the next floor or not. It seems like each floor has its own test, and also with different levels of difficulty. I wondered what kind of test is that.

"I look forward to it." at least this is better than being locked in that cave.

"Alright, this is the first-floor test."


My eyes widened when I saw something beyond common sense

"This test is the 'BALL'."

"the 'BALL'? What's that? Then ... is that a monster?"

"the 'BALL' is a simple test. The 'BALL' is that round man-sized spere. The ball is made to popping if it is hit hard enough. To pass this test, the rules are simple. You have to go into that room, then outrun or beat that monster and popping the ball. "

The Chosen One  II  Tower of God x Ayanokouji KiyotakaWhere stories live. Discover now