
"Can you take us here please?" Joseph pointed to a specific spot on a map to show the Taxi driver where they wanted to go.

The driver nodded and Joseph sat back in his seat next to Jotaro as the car began to move.

Anticipation filled Jotaro as he was anxious to see Holly and curious about who's been taking care of her.

Joseph was more excited than anxious. Hew knew Holly was holding up fine and was very happy that she was doing better.

The Taxi arrived at the Kujo Residence after 30 minutes of driving from the airport. Jotaro nodded off a bit in the car and was half-asleep as he climbed out, yawning as he adjusted his hat.

He moved to the trunk, opening it only to remember they didn't have any luggage. He closed it again, rubbing his eyes as he heard Joseph thank the driver. 

Jotaro walked away from the Taxi as it began to drive off, he kept his eyes trained on the floor, waiting for that familiar cheery voice to shout their names and tackle them with a hug. 

Joseph nudged his arm. Which he shrugged off. 


"What?" he snapped, irritated, he dropped his serious and annoyed look as he saw Joseph's face. Joseph was not looking at Jotaro, he looked surprised, his eyes were glossy, and he seemed speechless.

Jotaro followed Joseph's line of sight.













Jotaro ran as fast as he could up to the front steps of his house. His hat long gone as it flew off his head as he ran. Tears brimmed his eyes and he launched himself onto the boy he thought he'd never see again.

The two fell to the floor with a grunt. Jotaro held the red-haired boy as if he could disappear any second. Tears spilled his eyes with no sign of stopping as he grasped his friend. And as he could now say; his crush.

"Someone's glad to see me," Kakyoin joked.

Jotaro didn't say anything, but let out a small choked sob. He hid his face in Kakyoin's shoulder, his tears wetting his outfit.

Kakyoin hugged back, his arms wrapping around the taller male. 

They both bathed in the moment, not caring about anything around them. It was just the two of them. Jotaro felt as if he was floating in space, flying through a figment of his imagination. 

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