𝐱𝐯. the kung-fu party

Start from the beginning

"Guys, this is..." Matt paused as he swallowed. He was feeling nervous for the fight to come, his hands clenching and unclenching to try and relieve some of the tension building on his shoulders. "...a lot worse than what we've faced before.

"So how are we gonna handle it?" Jessica asked the trio, her eyes glossing over each of their faces, lingering on Luke's just a moment longer than the others.

"We somehow need to take them by surprise. We'll get nowhere if we just charge in, they expect that from us." Olivia muttered as the cogs in her brain turned, willing an idea to come to fruition.

Luke bit his lip, taking the wolf's words into account. "I got an idea." He announced before slowly turning to Jessica, a sheepish look on his face. "But you're not gonna like it."

Jessica's face scrunched up and she spoke with a groan. "What is it?"


To be fair, Luke's plan wasn't all bad. He had suggested that Jessica meet the Hand head-on, solo. Whilst the others took to hiding and waiting for the perfect moment to join the fight. With only Jessica being the one to face the Hand, Luke had hoped they would drop their guard.

The impenetrable man had also suggested that the wolf would be their second surprise; she would stay hidden until one of the three supers called her down. She was reluctant to agree, wanting to help them as much as she could but they definitely wouldn't be expecting a second surprise attack.

The wolf, the devil, and the hero of Harlem all climbed their way out of the elevator -though not without Olivia telling Jessica to be careful- and found secure areas that were shrouded in darkness and concealed themselves as they listened and watched Jessica take the lead.

Though Olivia had heard and known there were thirty plus people waiting for them; actually seeing thirty armed people whose intentions were to kill you was a little unnerving, to say the least.

"Okay. Don't shoot." Jessica's voice rang out, echoing throughout the underground cavern as she slowly stepped out of the elevator. The P.I sighed as she walked closer, coming face to face with Elektra. "Look, I don't give a shit what you guys are doing... down here in your secret cave thing. I just came to talk."

Olivia shifted slightly as her eyes locked onto the old woman's frame just a few pace's closer than Danny. Now, of course Olivia was there for Danny. But she wanted to know more about why the Hand had gone to Beacon Hills. It was her home and finding out that a group of psychotic assholes were once running around right under her nose, summoning spirits that then killed kids, well let's just say she needed some damn answers.

Olivia Hale was known to be a mixture of her family. Stubborn, yet loyal like her brother and temperamental like her uncle. That temperamental part was beginning to rear its ugly head; pure hatred filled her veins as she stared at the old woman, the faces of the dead flashing behind the wolf's eyes. She didn't just need answers... She needed more.

"You started this." Jessica continued; her eyes locked on Elektra's. "Ever since you burst into my office, my life has become one big kung-fu party. I don't wanna fight you." A slow, smug smile coated her plump and chapped lips as she cocked her head. "Alone."

𝕿𝖔𝖔𝖙𝖍 & 𝕮𝖑𝖆𝖜 - [𝗠𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘄 𝗠𝘂𝗿𝗱𝗼𝗰𝗸]✓Where stories live. Discover now