Chapter 4: Diamonds Aren't This Girls BestFriend

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Let me be the first to say wow and thank you! When I got back on wattpad today and checked all the new comments and votes I was surprised at how many people wanted me to update. So I got busy, sat my butt down and started typing. I'm happy to announce this ch is now ready to read!

I apologize for another long wait. I had gotten a very special surprise two months ago, a little bundle of fuzz and joy that I am happy to call my new puppy! ^_^  I have spent two months dedicated to training her and getting her comfortably settled in. Now she is growing like a weed and is happily sleeping in her dog bed currently.

Finally, I just want to add:

Happy Thanksgiving! Be safe and don't forget to save me a slice of pumpkin pie ;) ;)

 Enjoy! <3

Heads turned, eyes widened, and conversations ended abruptly as we stood there; Annabelle soaked with red punch, and me positioned in front of what looked like a crime scene. Tiny glass fragments were scattered across the floor and some had managed to spring up and impale my exposed arms. Not to mention that my beautiful dress, oh my beautiful pearl white dress was now wretched with a bloody crimson splattered over the ends.

As the crowd took it all in, I was paralyzed on the spot, too aghast to budge. Annabelle was trying to wipe away the red on her gown, as she swiped with a napkin, gently at first but it escalated into a desperate attempt as she began scrubbing harder and faster until the healthy glow of the skin on her knuckles  had faded to a ghostly white. Once she had come to terms with the fact it wasn’t coming out, she sighed and placed the pathetically crumbled paper on the juice saturated table. Since she had partially solved her own dilemma, she focused her undivided attention on me.

“You ok?”             

I didn’t respond. I had nothing to say, and even if I did, I doubt my voice would comply.

She followed my gaze and slowly rotated 90 degrees to meet all the curious faces.

“I can’t do this.” I thought out loud. I spun on my heels and fled to my escape.

“Amber, wait!” She called after me as if I would actually listen.

The second the doors banged close I knew my mother was already on the back of my tail. In my mind I could picture her zigzagging through the people and shoving a few aside, whatever it took to reach me. I made a mad dash to my room and latched the door behind me. I ran to the comfort of my bed and flopped on top. I reached for the nearest pillow and pulled it against my chest.  A single tear dripped down, flowing down my cheek until gravity took it and it fell onto the fabric pressed against me. I couldn’t stop the others as they flooded down until the top of the pillow was soaked with tears and my makeup.

“Amber May Stevens!” shouted my mother from the other side of the door.

I cringed and squeezed the pillow tighter.

“Your highness.” A smaller voice addressed her.

“What?!” she snapped.

“Perhaps I could speak to Miss Amber. I could prepare her for you.” The smaller voice spoke in a soft whisper.

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