I call him father

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'Mae govannen Alastegiel' My Ada greets me. I bow my head in respect for him and sit down in wooden chair next to the fire. 'I have a quest for you my daughter' He speaks in the Western-tongue. 'Yes Ada' I say respectfully and cast my eyes to the floor.

'You shall visit Imladris by invitation of Lord Elrond' He explains as he rises from his chair and walks towards me. He takes my chin in his hand, so I have to look at him. But I know this is a test so I lower my eyes. 'You look so much like your mother' He says but I can hear the hatred in his voice. He releases me. 'Go and make yourself useful, until you can go. I have a visitor' He snaps at me. I nod quickly and stand up, the hem of my skirt is stuck under the leg of the chair. I can steady myself before I fall to the floor. I hastily make my way out of his chamber and go up to my own quarter.

When I look down out of the window, I see a horse, riding at full speed towards our gate. I can see a figure with a big hat, a grey hat.


Shall I?

I run back at Ada's room and hide behind a massive pillar. I hear the doors of the gate open with a sound and close again. Hastily Mithrandir is making his way up the stairs. When he passes me, I can hear his heavy breathing. 'Smoke rises once more from the mountain of doom ... the Shadow takes shape in the darkness of Mordor; the hour grows late and Gandalf the Grey rides to Isengard seeking my council' Ada says as he walks out of the door. 'For that is why you have come, is it not, my old friend?' Ada asks him with a sweet voice.

Too sweet as you ask me.

Mithrandir moves quickly towards him. 'Saruman!' He shouts and looks around. 'I have something to discuss, only for us to hear'

'My daughter is in her chambers and my servants are nowhere to be seen. Speak Mithrandir'

'I prefer the gardens Saruman' Mithrandir pleads. Ada sighs. 'Alright'

The two of them walk toward the garden. I know I shouldn't. If Ada catches me, my punishment is going to be worse than before. But I have to know, maybe it has something to do with Imladris! 

I sneak after them and hide behind every pillar and rock or tree I see.
Growing up with a father as Saruman learned me to hide in plain site, I have taught to be still and silent and only speak when I am asked to. But it has its advances.

They walk between the blooming flowers and the beautiful trees of my home as Ada looks at Gandalf in disbelief. I was too much in thought to hear the beginning of their conversation. '

'Are you sure of this?'

'Beyond any doubt' Mithrandir says with a heavy voice. 'So the Ring of Power has been found?' Ada says, keeping his excitement in. 'All these long years, it was in the Shire, under my very nose!' 'Yet you did not have the wit to see it. Your love of the Halfling's leaf has clearly slowed your mind' Ada scolds him.

We still have time! time enough to counter Sauron if we act quickly!' Mithrandir points out. 'Time? What time do you think we have?' Ada cries out and he quickly turns around, rushing back to the tower with Mithrandir on his heels.

Valar! He is going to see me!

Luckily I am not that tall and I am agile through the years of training. Quickly I climb in the nearest tree and I breathe out as they walk past. I wait a couple of minutes and then climb down and rush after them.

I take my original place behind the pillar near the door and it is just my luck that the left the door open. I peek inside, but Ada is not sitting in his central chamber, but in the smaller one nearby. Shall I?

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