Chapter 8 an evil plan

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The others all agree with her they all made off for the armory they got the fire proof armor and some potions as well. Then they left for Zara's home which was an active volcano good thing that nobody had built their home or village in that aria.

They went inside of the volcano little did they know they were being watched by one of Zara's little minions. He went to her throne room were Zara was sitting and drinking a lava drink.

He said "my queen Zara the princess and your beloved are here with their friends just like you predicted".

Zara let out a small chuckle and said "that's good I knew my little attack at the end would make that little brat and her friends show up now phase two of my plans can begin let's put it in to motion".

The minion bowed his head and let with Zara who had an evil look on her face.

Hannah and her friends where searching for both Cody's and Hannah's families blades then herd something and left the group. He was walking down a hallway with lave and things that just gave him a you don't belong here vibe. He was about the turn back to the group when he herd some one struggling and muffled sounds.

Blades ran to the sounds and saw Dannie tied up with duct tape on her mouth he ran up to her and took the tape off her mouth.

Blades ask "Dannie are you ok did Zara do anything to you or the others".

Dannie said "don't worry blades I'm fine but we need to find the others be for she finds us come on let's go".

(back with every one) Hannah and her friend had found Cody's family but Hannah's wasn't there.

Their where also xenomorph's working when one of them caught site of them it let out a screeched the other aliens ran up to them Hannah and her monster friends charged at them. They all fought but the bots kept Cody safe skeleton use blasters and bones to take out the aliens every one just used their powers to kill this creatures.

One came up to phantom he ask "hey don't you want to talk this out" it then launched at him he grabbed a pipe and said "yeah me Neither".

Phantom then started to hit it Frost flair used her arrows with a slow potion on them to slow them down. It was hard for her to aim because how high the heat was she was used to colder places.

They kept of fighting until all of them where gone they were all panting a lot. Hannah then went to Cody's family she used her magic on them and they snapped out of it.

Kade ask "wow ok that was just crazy I need to sit down for a moment".

Cody's dad look around after he thanked Hannah for helping the Cody ran up to his father and gave him a hug.

His dad then said "oh son your alright I'm so reviled".

After Graham came to his senses both him and Kade joined in the hug. Hannah smiled she look over to her left and saw Dannie she used the same spell on her she snapped out of it to Cody then ran up to her hugged her and she hugged back.

Then heatwave got a come from blades he turned it so everyone can hear it every one then started to listen.

Blades said "hey everyone I found Dannie where coming to you guys now" everyone froze at that.

Blur said "um blades she's here with us".

Hannah then ran up to heatwave and shouted "BLADES get away from her that's not Dannie that's Zara she has shapeshifting powers I'm sorry I didn't tell you but run now".

(on blades end) Blades stood there for a moment then look over to who he thought was Dannie she looked at him with a grin on her face.

Then two monster grabbed blades arms then Zara went back to original from. All blades could do was look at her in fear as she came closer to him she was smiling with an evil look on her face.

She said "so you now know of my powers well then I guess that I have to rewrite your memories now".

Blades pleaded with her but she didn't listen to him she put both her hands on either side of his head she then used her magic.

When blades came to after he was shocked from the spell he look at Zara.

He said "Zara what happened why am I on the floor"?

Zara said "oh you just got a little dizzy that all".

She said while smiling she helped blades up and said. "So, blades I was thinking that maybe we should get married tomorrow what do you think"?

Blades looked at her and said "yes I'd love that".

Then he kissed her she smiled and thought to herself. "Yes, now He'll be mine and mine alone".

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