Chapter 1

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4:18 p.m
Lamari's Pov
As I'm taking a nap I hear a loud sound down stairs. So, I jump up to take a look around the room and I just didn't think nothing of it. I search for my phone In my bed sheets but couldn't find it then I remembered I left it on the counter in my kitchen earlier. "Ugh" I said. I get up to walk down stairs in my black tank top with short shorts on after all this is my house I shouldn't worry about no one looking at me. Right?

As I walk down the stairs I stop and the room went silent...I felt someone staring at me. I turn my head to see 3 black boys in mask they see me too. I look down at my phone to see if I could make a run for it.So I ran down the stairs and as I touch the last stair one of them rushed over and grabbed my phone and looked up at me so I ran back up stairs as all three chased me up stairs I close and lock my door I thought I Was safe for 3 seconds then I remembered you can get to my room thru the bathroom my heart dropped and I ran over to the bathroom to lock my other door.

I was too late all three where coming in thru that door I back up slowly and look at them. They close the door and one takes there mask off. He was dark skin with waves and like 5'7 and had a grill. He was kinda cute but I didn't say nothing he kinda laughed and said "why u scared ma?" I just looked at him and said "am I not supposed to be?" With a mean mug.

As this conversation was going I got less scared and more mad. "Why the fuck are y'all in my house get out now" I said. The dark skin said "nahh ma we can't do that" the other two boys walked over to me and grabbed my arms and I kicked and screamed and the dark skin put a towel over my face. I kept trying to scream but as he put the towel over my face he said "shhhshhhh screaming only makes it harder" and as he was talking I was loosing breath and went unconscious. Everything was black. That's all I remembered.

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