Ep. 2

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She's riding in a deserted area. Looking for someone. Maybe something. No clue what, but someone won't stop talking. She hears a name. Jaskier? She's not the only one with a companion, it seems.


She's struck in the forehead by what looks like a multi-faceted bullet. She shouldn't be able to feel it, but she can. An annoying burning pain. Something with horns appears in the tall grass. The talkative one continues his yammering until he is struck by the same object.

"Leave me be!"

A heavy strike to her midsection sends her flying across the ground but she recovers quickly. A Sylvan? The creature rips hair from the hidden person's hair. It's white! She still can't control her actions. Their actions. They punch the creature in the face. She attempts to look past the Sylvan to find where she is. Where this person she's connected to is. There's an arrangement being made. The stranger looks behind him and... everything goes black.


Faiza sits at the edge of the riverbank, washing her face as she tries to recall the dreams she's been having. Things are becoming a little clearer, except the reason why she is connected to this person in the first place. The last place she can vaguely recall is the talkative man saying where they were. Golden palaces?

"Far back on the shelf, high up on the mountain, from whence it ca—"

"Can you please stop singing that song?"

"What? It's catchy don't ya think? And besides, I can't get it out of my head."

"I've done my best to keep it out of mine. Can't you sing any of your other songs?"

"Well, those are only for me to remember what I'm doin', not for entertainment." Roz laughs, gets silent, then lets out a light sigh. "Well, now I'll have to start over...you've stopped my thought." Faiza slowly shakes her head as Roz begins humming the song again. She walks over to her horse to check on her things, "From when the White Wolf fought..." Roz's first words catch Faiza's attention.

"Who is this song about again?" Roz rolls her eyes up and taps her bottom lip with her finger.

"Uhm. The witcher they call the "White Wolf"?"

"Right. What's his name?" Roz hums the words again.

"Geralt. Of...Rivia! Yeah." Faiza drops her head. "They should call you the Black Cat, don't ya think?" Roz rambles.

"And in this song, he's battling elves in a mountain..."

"That's right." Faiza lets out an exasperated sigh. "What's the matter? I mean, can't be too bad, this is what has gotten you sought out for more work as of late."

"I have to find him." Faiza mounts Amina. Roz jumps to her feet.


"Can't believe it's taken me this long to figure this out," Faiza says under her breath.

"Figure what out, then? What's happenin'?"

"I'll explain on the way." Roz quickly mounts her horse and they start towards the last place she can remember hearing. Dol Blathanna.

Out on a main road, during midday, Faiza and Roz discuss the purpose of their current pursuit.

"You've been havin' dreams about this man?" Faiza nods as Roz starts down her list of questions. "Maybe it's a witcher connection?" Faiza shakes her head.

The Witcher: Story of the Black CatWhere stories live. Discover now