Lunch and Lockers

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"Shay hurry up we're gonna be late"
I run down the stairs and grab my phone of Baylee charger and grab my bag and we head out and off to school "so this ashton guy how many classes do u guys have?" "I have no clue but I really hope not that many he seems like a total jerk" trying to get that lie out I really hope we have a bunch of classes actually but I won't dare tell Baylee that she'll laugh in my face I don't have a chance with Ashton he's the captain of the football team and I'm just a nerd

we soon arrive at school Baylee parks her car and we head through the gates and to our lockers to grab our stuff
"Where r u heading" Baylee asks me
"Math ugh"
"Ooooo that sucks I got history not that much better"
We head our separate ways I walk into class Mrs. Richards I stop in my tracks when I see ashton in the far Corner waving to me he stands up and he accidentally flips his desk over and makes a huge noise oh how Embarrassing he picks up the desk and walks my way
"I never got ur name"
"Grayson Grayson Rivers but call me Shay"
"I like that name"
"Thanks" I say with a question in my voice
"I saved U a seat Would u like to sit my me" ashton says
"Thanks but I think I'll sit in the front"
"Ok" ashton walks off and back to his seat meanwhile I find a seat in the font
"Hi can I sit here" I ask a girl with long dark brown hair Farley pretty
"Yea go ahead I'm Carley What's ur name"
Mrs. Richards Walks through The door
"Good morning everyone I'm ur math teacher for this year my name is Mrs.Richards Today we will start with a little review no homework"
I think I like this teacher already
I can sense Ashtons gaze burning a hole in the back of my head I turn around and like I said he's staring at me he doesn't look away he smiles I slightly smile back and turn back around
"Do u and ashton have a thing" Carley asks eagerly
"No no we just like meet yesterday"
"Oh he's never looked at a girl like that before since his last girlfriend in like 8th grade"
"Oh wow what's so bad about ashton"
"I'm not so sure he's just cocking and stuff"
"Oh how long have u known ashton"
"Long time like 2 grade torture luckily he never talks to me I don't even think he knows who I am but sometimes that's a good thing"
Mrs.Richards goes on and on about the lesson everyone already knows this stuff like the back of our hands but maybe not ashton he's having loads of trouble every time Mrs.Richards calls on him he always gets a completely wrong answer which I always raise my hand and give the correct answer
That goes on for about another 25 min and class is almost over
"Ok class great job today see u all tomorrow"
The bell rings about 10 sec after she was down talking everyone flushes out of the room but I'm stopped my a familiar voice
"Shay Shay wait up Shay"
Oh god ashton R u serious why doesn't he do this to any other girl
"Yea" I say
"Um.. Do u have lunch this shift"
"Yea do u"
"Yea lets sit together"
Before I had time to say anything else he walks through the door and towards the lunch room I go through the line for a salad and sit at table 11 I search for ashton to see if he's seated to try and get out of sitting with him and that's when he comes right out of no where and takes a seat right in front of me
"What class u have next" ashton asks very happy like
"Science Mr.Johnson U?"
"How many classes do we have together"
Ashton pulls out his schedule from his bag and so do I all the classes match up this is like the best nightmare ever if that makes any sense
"All classes that's cool" I say
"Yea do u like that"
"I cough on my water... I'm sorry what"
"R u ok and Nevermind"
"Yea I'm fine and ok"
"So ur the captain of the football team"
"Yea u should be a cheer leading and cheer for me"
We both kinda laugh a little bit
"Yea we'll see about that" I smirk and shake my head
"Well if ur not gonna be a cheer leading U should come to one of the games I'll get u good seats U and ur friend Baylee right?"
"Yea Baylee and maybe we will come sounds fun I guess when's ur next game"
"This Friday"
"Yea I think I can go"
"Great do u play any sports"
"Yea I play volleyball on this league downtown beach you should come to one of my games"
"I would like too when do u have a game after school tomorrow at 5"
"Well I'll be there I'll be ur #1 fan cheering u on"
"Ok" I smile and laugh at him
The be rings and now off to science I stop by my locker and grab my textbook just in case we need it or another review kinda thing ashtons locker is pretty close to mine which is kinda a bonus and kinda not I don't understand why people say he's so bad he's really nice well he kinda is a jerk is some ways I open my locker and grab my book and that's when some one is pushed against the lockers and makes a big noise which scares be a little I close my locker a little bit and that's what I saw ashton kissing one of the cheering leaders not a very pleasant sight maybe Carley was right he isn't the best person to be hanging out with I close my locker and lock it and walk to science with Ashton and that cheer leader on my mind didn't he see me standing there did he do that to make me mad or just because he wanted to or are they dating a lot of questions rushing through my head I walk into science class i see Carley in the corner front kinda I take a seat by her
"Ur were right"
"Aston made out with one of the cheer leaders right in front of me if it wasn't obvious I was there"
"Yea he does that to every cheer leader consent not surprising"
Ashton walks in right when the bell rings I don't make eye contact I'm kinda mad at him for some reason Maybe I though he liked me or I had a chance with him I don't know I should be worrying about i it's none of my business anyway

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