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they all went on the break fast table and started there lunch. jk holds the coffee pot but some how it spills on jk hand

jk; ahh my hand

iu suddenly gets worried she stands from her chair

iu what happened show

jk; ahh its fine

iu; how it is fine jungkook really

she looks at his hand which was swollen from a little side cause obviously the coffee was quiet hot

iu; let me bring the ice pack

jk ; iu l am really am fine

iu went to get a ice pack

jianhao; that is why cold coffee is the best

Rachel; be quiet

jk; guys i don't need any thing to put on

iu; here

she comes and places the ice pack on jk's hands

iu; put it on for 5 minutes then wash it with warm water okay

jk; where are you going

iu; have an important work. if anything happens call me

jk; like you pick up your phone every time

iu; l am a busy person

jk; what ever but.. please iu pick your this time and of you won't then u will take our phone from you got it

iu; fine now bye

she ran towards the door in a hurry she just said yes and nothing more she didn't knew what jk said she only agreed with him.

jk; this girl

he says to him self.. jk thought of going to his fathers office to see how the things are going there

jk father office

when jk come inside all the staff were standing and bowed to him when he crosses the corridors his office was on the top floor

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when jk come inside all the staff were standing and bowed to him when he crosses the corridors his office was on the top floor. he went inside his office before he entered inside he heard the staff inside was acting like there the boss

jk opens the door there where two people were inside one was seated on jk's chair as he saw him he suddenly stands and moves on the side

jk; looks like your dying to sit here

man; sorry sir

jk; i wasn't scolding you.. get me all the info and tell me the progress got it. everything all the issues solve them and we they are not then bring them to me now you can go

staff; yes sir

they left from there. while jk thought of calling iu he picked up his phone but gets a call from sarah and he just kept talking and was doing work it was soon late he was about to go home but finally thought about his wife he called her NO answer. he tried again and again NO answer

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