Don't Let It Break Your Heart

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Life gets hard and it gets messed up
When you give so much, but it's not enough
When the high's too high, and the low's too low
When you love someone and they let you go


"Action!" Greg yells.

Louis looks away when he begins to talk, trying to think of things to say that aren't too obvious.
"This is a single I was really excited to release. One that I'm really proud of."

That was at least honest. Louis smiles a little.
"The song itself is another of those songs that's talking about hope and seeing the glass half full. Ehm, and we probably wrote this song about twelve months ago and it's one of those that had been sat on for a while that I was really excited for the fans to hear. I performed it for the first time in ehm, in Madrid and there was a great reaction from that. Ehm, and then performed it at another gig I had in Mexico, and again, incredible reaction. Ehm, so that one is a bit of a, of a song for the fans really."

Greg yells cut again and Louis smiles to himself. The fans? That was a good one. It was clearly a lovesong. Well, he's so grateful for his fans so this could as well be a song for them. If he would say what almost every song on the album is about this would be a really short track by track with one word, or one person really. Louis sighs again.

"One thing I always come back to in this song is the opening riff on the electric guitar. I think it's really beautiful. Really well done by Ray who came up with that, uhm and yeah, it's just one of those songs I think, you know, you gonna let the melody and let the lyrics do the talking. I think there's a ehm, credibility to the lyrics."

He really hopes the fans actually get what he's trying to say. Greg cuts again.
"Great! Talk about your favorite line in the song now."

Louis thinks for a second before he continues.
"A stand-out lyric for me, ehm, on this song on the second verse, start of the second verse, it says It comes and it goes. We're driving down a one way road. To something better. Every time I listen to this song that line just kind of stands out to me. Ehm, I think it's sort of provoking. I think it's interesting so...yeah."

Louis takes another break and goes to
get some tea. The song is stuck in his head. He hopes Harry gets the lyrics if he would ever listen to his album. He knows he's delusional but he really hopes this album will give him a second chance. Who is he kidding? A fourth chance. Harry had given him so many chances and he fucked it up every time but this time he wouldn't. He knows that but Harry doesn't.

That last break-up in New York had been devastating. Harry wrote a song about it on his first record. Louis had cried his heart out when he heard it for the first time. He had hurt him so much. So, so much. So many times. He didn't deserve another chance. But to be fair, Harry had hurt him too.

Louis's phone starts to vibrate and he pulls it out from his pocket to check the caller-id. He frowns when he sees that it's Eleanor. He answers it anyway.

"Hi, El. What's up?"

"Hi, Louis. Do you need me for something next week or can I go to Paris with a friend?" Eleanor asks.

"No, you can go." Louis answers.

"Okay. I'll be back next Sunday." Eleanor replies.

"Alright. Have fun. Bye." Louis says and hangs up.

He really doesn't care. He knows he has to talk about his girlfriend soon for his album and the thought makes him cringe. He's a little jealous of Harry. That man gets away with everything and everybody loves him. He has seen interviews. Harry is wearing lipstick, nail polish, and pearl necklaces. Louis absolutely adores it. He loves the fact that Harry finally has found the courage to be himself and that he no longer cares about what people say about him. He has come such a long way and Louis is so proud of him. At the same time, people freak if he wears anything that remotely considers gay. Not that he wants to wear makeup or anything but just a t-shirt with a rainbow on it put the whole world in a frenzy. Geeesh!

He'd been told from the start of the band to act less gay. It's really defensive but he had tried to play his part, still does. He has always felt like the odd man out, the one that wasn't good enough. He had the worst voice of them all, and he couldn't be himself. No wonder he started to do drugs to survive. That was how he had felt then. Luckily he doesn't feel like that anymore but he still hides his true self. He still has a fake girlfriend and acts like a straight man. It's fucking exhausting!

Louis drinks the last of his tea and decides to make a quick bathroom break as well before it's time to go back and talk about the next song on his album. It's one of the hardest songs to talk about. He just wants this day to be over with so he can go home to his dogs. His place used to feel so empty before. Getting dogs had been a great decision and Harry loves dogs, if he magically somehow would be able to fix them. He knows he should just move on but how do you do that when you know that you found the one?

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