Payphone // Kendall & McKenzie Imagine

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This one goes to my favorite writer McKenzie!!! You are so sweet and talented! You are amazing! Kendall is proud! xD This one is EXTRA special because it is EXTRA long... i think.. on my document it is.. ENJOY!


{McKenzie's P.O.V.}

Walking around the park doing nothing. Heart broken. Memories to fill my head. Painful memories..


~Outside, Thunderstorm~

McKenzie- *running down the street*

*cars honking, thunder rolling*

McKenzie- *walks up to pay phone, inserts coins, dials* Come on. Come on! Pick up!

???- *walks behind her*

Christy- Hey!

McKenzie- Christy! Yes thank god you answered-!

Christy- Sorry I can't answer the phone right now, but leave your name, and say something after the beep, Bye!! *hangs up*


McKenzie- *moans, hangs up, searches her purse*

???- Hey.

McKenzie- *jumps up*

???- Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.

McKenzie- It's alright.

???- What are you doing out here, its pouring!

McKenzie- I-I.. needed to make a call, but I wasted all my

change on this thing! *kicks pay phone*

Kendall- Hey, chill out. Come on, lets go inside the gas station roof, you"re going to get sick.

*both walk towards the gas pumps*

McKenzie- *shivering*

Kendall- *walks over to his car, opens the trunk, takes out towel, gives it to McKenzie* Here.

McKenzie- *Stares at it*

Kendall- *chuckles* Don't worry, its clean. I was heading towards the gym until the storm got worse. *looks out*

McKenzie- *laughs* Thanks. *wraps it around her*

Kendall- No problem. *leans against the back of the car* So why we're you trying to make a phone call from a pay phone? Don't you have a cell?

McKenzie- I do, but it died on me.

Kendall- Do you want to use my cell phone? *takes it out*

McKenzie- Oh no. My sister won't answer the phone. I'm pretty sure she's with her husband or something.

Kendall- She's older than you?

McKenzie- Not by much.

Kendall- How old are you?

McKenzie- About to turn 21. You?

Kendall- I just turned 22.

McKenzie- Nice.

*both stare into each others eyes, then awkwardly look away, rain clears*

Kendall- Hey, looks like the storm stopped.

McKenzie- Yay! I can walk home now. *hands over towel* Thank you! *walks away*

Kendall- Hey!

McKenzie- *turns around*

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