Chapter 1: Louis

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I grew up in Doncaster. Not a very exciting place. I would have much rather been born in London, but I really didn't have the choice. My brother however, loves Doncaster very much. I don't see why. His name is Louis. Yes Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. I really don't think its a big deal, I still only see him as my weird brother. Anyways, my name is Lucy. Lucy Tomlinson. I have hated my name ever since I could say it. I made a pact that when I get old enough I will legally change it. Why do I hate it? It sounds just like Louis' name. And I like to be different. I'm not stubborn, I just wish I had a mum that could have thought her names through. Our dad left us when I was 3. I do not know him very well, and do not plan on meeting him again anytime soon. Neither does Louis.

Oh yeah, some things you should know about Louis. He is very funny. He always made me laugh, but he also got me mad at times. Whenever he had his friends over he would play pranks on me. One time he dumped a bucket of ice down my shirt and made me scream so loud I thought the windows would break. I am still plotting my revenge.

Another thing about him is he is very protective of me. I had just gotten my first boyfriend last year. Louis had found out he cheated on me and...well let's just say his face doesn't look the same. That's another thing, he has anger issues. When Louis gets really mad, you don't want to be there. I learned the hard way when I accidentally broke his favorite toy, so he decided to "accidentally" break my arm. So this summer when I started fancying one of his band members...I had no idea what he was going to do next. I know Louis loves his band mates. Especially Harry. They were best friends from the start. But I don't think he finds any of them acceptable boyfriends for me. Especially since I'm 15 and he is almost 19. Oh yes, did I mention that I think I'm in love with the charming boy, Harry Styles? it love? Does he like me back? What will I tell Louis? All these questions were racing through my head when I heard footsteps come through the front door. And standing there was Louis with his 4 best friends...including Harry.

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