Chapter 3: Dinner

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It was 7:30. Not surprisingly, Louis wasn't home yet. Me and mum were just sitting there staring at the empty place where we was supposed to sit.

"I think we should just start without him" I sighed. I had a few pieces of bread, but I was yearning for the meal mum had cooked.

"He will be here soon. We just have to be patient." she said softly as she took a sip of her wine. She looked just as anxious, if not more, than I was. Whatever she had to tell us, it was important

All of a sudden we heard the front door slam shut and footsteps soming quickly toward the kitchen. I was expecting to see Louis come in with his apologetic voice and some lame excuse he always used about how he got caught up in a swarm of fans. I new it was bull. But who I say wasn't my brother.

It was Harry

"Hi Mrs. Tomlinson. Lucy" He greeted us both giving each of us a slight nod.

"Why hello Harry. What do you need? Is something wrong? Is Louis okay?" my mother asked suddenly wide eyed becoming worried. She would have never acted like that if one of my friends came in. Then again, I wouldn't have disobeyed her either.

"No no, everythings fine. Erm...Lou is sort of...Uh...caught up in something at the moment" he said slowly obviously trying to think of a good cover story.

"What do you mean? Is it more fans?" She asked completely oblivious to the fact that Harry was lying.

"Um...Something like that yeah. I just got away from them on time, but him and um...Zayn were stuck. He texted me saying to come over and tell you that he would be late and that you should uh, start without him." He said swaying rocking back and forth with his hands in his pockets.

God, why was he so beautiful? Why was it that everytime he was around I get this funny feeling in my stomach? Why was I falling for someone I could never have? I hated feeling this way. Knowing I could never be with him. It was a pain I could not shake off.

"Thank you Harry. Would you like to join us?" I heard my mum ask. I sat up a little straighter. What was she doing? I couldn't have dinner with him! Well, with him and my mum, but it still felt weird.

"Erm...No thanks. Niall and Liam are waiting outside" He said looking at me. Why was he looking at me? Was it because of me that he didn't want to stay? If I weren't here would he have stayed? Was Niall and Liam really waiting outside? All these questions floated through my head. And as I watched Harry say goodbye to us and leave I got the picture in my mind that I should get used to that. Him leaving, not really caring about me.

"Lucy? Lucy!" I heard my mother say. I was still staring at the door which was now shut and no Harry in sight.

"Yeah?" I said as though nothing happened.

"Let's eat then, shall we?" she said while reaching for the caserole.

As we finished our last bites I finally asked

"What is it you needed to tell me mum?" I asked taking a sip of tea.

"Oh I guess I should tell you since you were actually here." she mumbled. It seems as though she was more annoyed of my presence than Louis' absence.

"I have to go out of town for a few weeks. Out of country actually. We have a new store opening in America and I need to be there, but I don't want to leave you a Lou alone. I know a few of the boys are still living with their parents as well and I wanted to see if a they wanted to stay with you and Lou." she finally got out.

It took me a while to process the news. See my mother owned a line of clothing stores that were mainly just small ones in here in England, but apparently she wanted to take it up further and so they opened one in America.

I was trying to think of who all lived with their parents. Let's see...I know Zayn had his own place. Niall would be here...Liam might be here and...

...Harry would be here.


I hope you guys like this! Sorry if the chapter was kind of boring, but I promise next one will be better!!




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