Chapter Three: Luke's Resolve

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Abby walked to school in slow motion. Who was this Jake boy? What did he want with her? Why had Luke protected her? She slapped herself mentally for thinking such things. If her mother could hear her thoughts right now, she would have thrown her down a well. Abby walked through the black gates to the school.

Her eyes widen and she stopped in her tracks. Her gripped tightened around her messenger bag. And she stared at Luke Thomas. He was leaning against an old oak tree that was near the school's edge. He was looking down at the ground but as if feeling her eyes on him he looked up at her. They made eye contact and Abby froze. She took in his appearance.

He actually looked more handsome then she had ever seen him before. His dark blue blazer was wide open and his red tie was undone around his neck. He had on a black t-shirt and black jeans and sneakers. His hair was kind of messy but he looked even cuter. Abby tried to throw the thought out her head but it continued to flash in her mind.

Abby muttered to herself. "Abby Timber, do you want to be a part of your family? So move your butt into the school and forget about him."

Saying it out loud made all the thoughts and feelings she had go away. She began to walk towards the school door, not looking at Luke at all. Then something happened. Her heart skipped a beat and she stumbled forward. What was wrong with her?

Her body erupted in flames but she was cold at the same time. She hit the ground hard and she turned on her side. She found it hard to get enough air in her lungs since she was breathing to quick and short. She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged herself. These things were happening after she met Luke. She had to stop talking to him. She had to concentrate on doing well in school and being the one with the highest grade. She couldn't fail. She couldn't afford to fail her parents, her family.

She felt someone's arms go under her waist and her neck. She was lifted up wedding style by no other than Luke. She could barely keep her weak eyes open but she looked at Luke anyways. She forced herself to move. She struggled in his arms but he was far stronger. She pushed her hands against his chest with all her strength and her heart skipped a beat again. She stopped pushing and gasped at the pain. She left her hands on his chest, not yet ready to move them.

She looked up at Luke again and he was staring down at her.

"I told you, you were sick. What did you do? Go and do everything that would cause yourself health problems? You're so annoying."

She snorted and it turned into a heap of coughing. She spoke even though it came out into a whisper. "Leave me alone. I'm fine."

"You're sick and can hardly move. Yet you're rejecting my help. Aren't you the most stubborn girl I've ever met? Just let me help you.", Luke said as he began to walk inside the school.

"You idiot.", Abby said to him.

"I'm not an idiot. The least you can do is not insult me."

"Shut up."

Luke looked down at her and his voice got deadly and cold. "You don't tell me what to do. I'm tired of you doing that. If I want to help you I'm going to help you. If I want to leave you alone I'll leave you alone. I do what I want to do and you're not going to stop me because it's my choice not yours."

Abby's eyes widened at his words. She dropped her eyes down at her hands she had in her lap now. What was she to say to that? She couldn't utter any words and none came to mind. It was the first time anyone had helped her. A memory popped into her mind. The homeroom test was today! She grabbed Luke by the collar of his shirt and pushed herself up until they were face to face. Luke's eyes had widened a bit but not much. There face was so close that Abby could feel his breathing on her nose.

They were in front of the nurse's room and everyone around them was whispering. She should have known that would happen. She was the only person in his entire life to actually be this close to him. Physically and not get punched or slapped yet.

She looked him in the eye and felt her mouth go dry. She couldn't stay in this position for long. She had to say it now and say it straight. "I don't want your help. Put me down."

Luke eyed her for a minute his eyes gleaming. What was he thinking? Was that amusement Abby had spotted in his eyes? It was gone before she could calculate what it was. He lowered her to the ground and she began to walk or maybe stumble towards her homeroom. Luke was walking right next to her.

"Why are you following me?", Abby asked her voice still in a whisper. Partly because a lot of people were around and because she felt weak.

"What are you talking about? We're in the same homeroom.", Luke said staring straight ahead.

What? How could she have not noticed it? Oh yes. She's been so caught up in her studies that she doesn't pay attention to the outside world. The outside world was like background noises that she could easily ignore. So why was she getting herself mixed up with Luke? He'll bring nothing but trouble and that wasn't what she needed.

"Why do you insist on talking to me?", Abby asked as they got closer to their homeroom.

"I don't insist on talking to you. I don't even know your name for starters. You're the one that comes around my house and always looking at me.", Luke said staring at her.

Abby kept her eyes straight ahead. "Why did you protect me yesterday? From Jake."

They were now in front of the door to their homeroom. Luke met Abby's eyes and for a minute he didn't say anything.

"I felt like it.", Luke finally said.

Abby snorted and turned to the door.

She had just touched the knob when she heard Luke talk. "I've answered all your questions so now answer this."

Abby looked over her shoulder at him. "What?"

"What's your type of guy?"

Abby's eyes widened in shock. "I don't have a type. I have no time for relationships of any kind."

Luke inched closer to her and she backed into in the door. "You work too hard. You need to loosen up. Anyways you owe me a favor."

Abby watched him closely. "If anything you owe me the favors. I gave you lesson notes and told you, you were going to be expelled if you didn't come back to school."

"I don't ask you to do that."

Abby went silent.

"So you owe me a favor for all the bothering stuff you have put me through."

"What do you want?"

"Spend the whole Saturday with me.", Luke said, his eyes gleaming. Now Abby was sure it was amusement. He was hoping for a reaction. Well, Abby wasn't going to give him one.

She smirked at him and said, "Fine. It's on."

Luke walked past her and opened the door. As he passed her he whispered, "You're so predictable."

Before she knew it Abby had turned down what she was really supposed to be doing. She froze in terror. Today was Thursday. She still had time to tell Luke she couldn't go. How could she be such a fool? She had forgotten that on Saturday her mother would accept her to be studying full time. How was she going to go with Luke on such a day? It was rare for her mother to even be home. She only came home to make sure Abby was being a 'good girl'.

What had she gotten herself into?

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