Chapter Six: Regret

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Luke’s lips brushed hardly against Abby’s, his arms wrapping around her waist as he pulled her closer. Her eyes were open as she stared at his closed lids. Her thoughts ran at almost a thousand miles an hour and it felt like her heart was soaring through the sky like a bird. But she couldn’t let this happen.

She pushed against his chest weakly, her tiredness still there. Luke soon realized that her hands were pushing him and moved a step back. They stared at each other in silence. Then Abby did the only thing her body knew what to do. She turned around and ran.

Tears fell down her cheek as she ran to who knows where. She turned corners and ran in front of stopping cars. She heard the distance honks but completely ignored them. Even though she had liked the kiss, though she had wanted to kiss him back, she couldn’t do it. Not after what happened in the past, she couldn’t take another heart break and abuse.

Her father and her best friend, one an abuser and the other a lover that both ended up terrible. She couldn’t handle that all over again. Her feelings were going to have to be let go. Abby felt terrible for not having told Luke everything. She should have told him what her past held her back from when she had saw him. She pushed her legs faster as she continued through a large park.

Soon though, her breathing went too fast for her to keep up. Abby slowed to a walk and went to sit on the swing. She waited, listening to the trees rustle, for her breathing to slow down. As that happened, she swung slowed and watched the sky. Tears poured out her eyes as she remembered a memory of her past…


“I love you, Jordan.” Abby said, staring into his vivid green eyes.

He looked into her eyes, searching them for the truth. He shook his head and said, “I don’t love you.”

Abby could feel her little heart breaking into two. Her eyes filled with tears and some slowly fell out her eyes. Her voice cracked as she asked, “Why not? I thought. You said that you liked me? I don’t understand. You lied?”

He turned his eyes to the ground instead of answering her. He was silent and when he didn’t answer after a while Abby took a step back, her head shaking in the no sign. “You did, didn’t you?”

He still made neither movement nor any sound. Abby’s hands trembled and a flash of another’s person’s face appeared in her head. “I knew! You like her, don’t you? You like her more than. I’m nothing. Just some nerd you can flirt with and break her heart in the end? I hate you! I hate you!”

She turned and ran away from him. But she wasn’t done. She ran straight to a red door and pounded her visit on it heavily. The door opened after a few seconds and Brittany’s face appeared. Brittany’s wide brown eyes looked Abby up and down. “What do you want?”

Abby grabbed Brittany by the hair and pulled her outside. Brittany yelled out in pain but Abby ignored it.

“I hate you! You stole him! You knew I loved him! You betrayed me!” Abby yelled as she pounded Brittany in the skull. Her sobs made Abby even angrier and she began to see red. Soon, Abby pushed her down the stairs and enjoyed hearing her scream and cry.

As soon as Abby heard the door behind her open, most likely Brittany’s mother, she ran down the block, to cry on her own pillow.


Her tears fell more rapidly as she remembered what she had done to her best friend, Brittany. She hadn’t meant to break her leg and arm, for her to go into the emergency room from blood lost. She was mad. Brittany had taken Jordan away from her and it had broken her heart. She was staring at the ground when a shadow appeared in front of her.

A hand cupped her chin and lifted her face to look at them. Abby stared into the eyes of Jake. She pulled her face away from his hand and fell out of the swing. She muttered a few words as she stood up, dusting the dirt off her skirt and blazer. She quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and stared the fool in his eyes. “What is your problem? I didn’t give you permission to touch me.”

He titled his head to the side and inched closer to her. She took a defensive step back as her heart began to beat faster. He continued towards her and she froze in her spot. She couldn’t run anymore. Her body felt too weak and her skin was burning again.

“It’s not fair that Luke gets to steal a kiss from you.” Jake finally said.

Her eyes widen. “You saw that?”

He snorted. “Well yeah I saw it. I live two houses down from the one you walked out of.”

What? She hadn’t even known or seen him around her neighborhood. Man, she really had to open her eyes to the real world and stop getting into the books. She focused on what was going on and shook her head. “Whatever. Back off.”

He laughed. “I’m not going to back off, little lady.”

“I swear I’ll call the police and get a restraining order on you. I don’t know who you think you are but you can’t just march your sneaky little way into my life.” Abby stated, pointing a finger at him.

He chuckled lightly again, “You’re a feisty young lady. But I do believe I am Luke’s brother.”

Her eyes widen and she took another tiny step back. His brother?

Luke had a brother?

She thought to herself, she was going to get sucked into Luke’s life no matter how much she tried not to be. What a fun ride life was trying to give her? How ironic..

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