Death 5: Tutor

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Max's POV

"Yah need me for something, sir?" I asked and Sir Tucker looked at me "oh, nothing bad, come" he said and i entered, i sat at a chair and he smiled softly "your quizes are unbelievable" he said as he looked at papers in his hands "You've been here for a week or so and you've already won the hearts of the teachers" he said as he set the papers down, i could clearly see the green marks

Yes. I've been here for a week and im happy to report that it was such a chill week unlike the last time- better yet, i didnt see dakota too much!

"I've never seen such marks other than..." he trailed off then sighed "my point is, I need you to tutor someone" he said and i raised a brow "if this student manage to excel, I'll bump up your average grade in Science" he said and my eyes went wide

A Boost in Science!? Hell yeah "ahm... can i also have free access to the library?" I asked and he nodded, i grinned "sure" i said and he smiled "yes, good. Please come to here at the end of the school" he said and i nodded

I just hope this doesn't turn out to be a fucking cliché...


Yeaaaah, shouldn't have said that...

I glared at dakota who's looking at me with a grin "please, Maxwell! He's hopeless!" Sir tucker plead "he's impossible!" He said and dakota rolled his eyes "im right here" he said and Sir Tucker groaned

"You agreed Maxwell" he said and i sighed- yeah... i didnt, i don't want to put more stress in Sir Tucker's shoulders. I looked at dakot once more and he was looking back with an indecipherable look "i- fine" i groaned and Sir Tucker beamed

"Thank you! You'll start now" he said then dashing out of the door, i gave a tired sigh "good God! I jinxed it" i groaned "shut up, you love me" he grinned- yeah, I would love to kill you. I rolled my eyes and started to pack my bag "tell me your address. I'll tutor you" i said in monotone without looking. Dakota stood up and so i looked at him witha raised brow

I could clearly see a pink tinge in his cheeks "uhh.. Cherry Lane, Venburr Street" he said- of course i know his home, his parents are my- are Kyle's parent's accomplice which means frequent dinners...

I gave a nod "hey blue, can i aslo get your number?" He asked with a grin and i looked at him- a bit irritated at the nickname "what? You like me?" I spat and he froze "n-no, for the- ehem- the tutor thingy" he coughed and i blushed- OF COURSE YOU IDIOT! He's fucking straight! Not gay! "R-right, give me your phone" i said and he did

It was already in the number register, i quickly tapped my new phone numer and labeled myself as 'Max Cheri'. I was about to give it to him but the app closed and i saw his wallpaper... it was a silhouette of a little boy infront of the forest in here

"Uh... here" i said as i gave it back. He took it and raised a brow "why did you exit the app?" He asked with a tinge of irritation "it was an accident, go get a life" i grumbled then tossed my bag onto my back, I began walking past him but he caught my hand

"Why are you so angry at me?" He asked and I immediately fumed- You fucking ruined me! You tortured me every single time you can! You killed kyle "dont fucking dare" I growled and he raised both of gis hands as a surrender

"Whoah! What did i do?" He asked and i gave a scoff "what is your problem!? I didnt do anything!" he snapped "you made my cousin miserable" I spat and he froze then looked down "I- im sorry. I didn't know he would kill himse-" i cut him off "Dont!" I screamed but quickly composed myself

"I'll see you tomorrow. 8 am sharp" i muttered then walked away "you ruined my cousin and broke her bestfriend. No sorry could make me forgive you... not even for a million years" i spat then fully walked away- hmm... i wonder if Jazz is still in the cafe...

-* Dakota's POV *-

I looked at as blue haired boy as he waked away. I opened my phone and looked at the wallpaper then back to where Blue came from... "Maybe its time for me to move on, Lee" i muttered to myself as i caressed the screen of my phone

"Im sorry Lee... I will never forget you" i sighed as i tucked my phone back to my jeans. I quickly went where Blue just vanished, i went to the parking lot and got into my car. I began to drive home in my black beast Bugatti- home was pretty near so I got home in time

I parked my car and went in the small bungalow mom picked, i opened the door and found mom cooking something "hi mom" i greeted as i kissed her cheek, she smiled softly "hi love, how's school?" She said curiously with a cautious tone since you know... i explained that i was tge reason for Kyle's death-

I mean- I did bully him, tortures him... it's my fault and no one knows except mom. I hugged her and she smiled softly "its gonna be fine, love" she said "i know its hard. You bullied him and you regretted it- Thats what matters" she said i nodded

I smiled then parted with her. I walked up the stairs and to my room, my room is a simple black room with red trims. My room was pretty normal- a few basketball trophies here and there since im amazing at it...

I slumped onto my bed and groaned as something poked my dick, I forced myself sideways and saw my graphite pencil. I took it and placed it in my bedside table, i smiled softly as i took the blue sketchbook beside it and opened it

This sketchbook holds my drawings of the person i love...

I teared up- just like everyday. Knowing that the person i trully love will never come back to me...

Im sorry My Lee...

"Cry, My dear. It will make you stronger, not weaker"

-Max R.
1088 Words

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