Could You Please Drop Your Skin Care Tutorial?

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As much as Eren wished that he had been the one to discover the problem, that'd be a lie. In reality Armin had been the one to discover it, and while Eren loved his friend, He definitely wished that sometimes Armin would just keep his damn discoveries to himself.

As such was the case after a particularly rough 3DMG training session. Although standing for hours in the sun with uniforms that definitely aren't made to keep the wearer cool had lowered most trainees cleanliness standards when it came to clothes, no matter how tired one got, they still didn't want to sleep in a sweat soaked shirt.

Or at least that was Eren's thoughts on the matter as he peeled off his shirt and reached for the clean pair that had recently been washed.

'But not folded because Jean was on laundry duty and was an asshole' thought Eren.

"Woah." Said Armin, his fingers suddenly tracing Eren's back.

"What?" Exclaimed Eren, as he swiped his hands along the area that Armin had been touching. "Is there something on my back? One of the weird ass bugs that can spray chemicals out of its butt?"

Ee had encountered one earlier in the week, and it was an all around memorable experience for the entire camp.

Eren, for his part, was just glad that the trainee jacket was at least relatively stain proof.

Armin gave a half-hearted smile, "A bombardier beetle- and no, it's not a bug. It's not anything to be honest."

"Ok then..?" Eren muttered, confused. "Then what's the issue?"

"Well, that's just it. There's nothing there"

"So? It's not like there's supposed to be anything on my back is there?

Armin huffed, "Well, just, are you sure you're wearing your gear tight enough?"

"Armin, buddy, if I wear anything any tighter I'm gonna lose a few parts that are very important to me." Eren grimaced, flopping down on his bunk.

As much as he loved finally, FINALLY getting to work with 3DMG gear, as it meant that he was just one step closer to being able to join the Survey corps, he definitely could do without some of the chafing.

Armin turned back to his own bunk, neatly folding up his spare clothes. "It's just odd y'know," He mumbled, "everyone else has blisters and calluses, but you don't even look like you've done anything."

"Well MAYBE it's because I actually take good showers and take care of my skin." Eren retorted, a bit louder than necessary

"Yeah, yeah Jaeger, we all know that you gotta make sure your skin is absolutely pristine," Sneered Jean, "wouldn't want to make your daily application of make-up difficult."

"Oh, I'm sorry for actually caring about proper hygiene horseface", Hollered back Eren as he got up "but unfortunately I have no desire to smell like a fucking stable."

Eren sat back on his bunk as he leaned closer to Armin. "Sides' I've seen what it looks like when a person's skin gets fucked up. Shit's nasty"

Armin just gave a lopsided smile as he placed his newly folded clothes beneath his bunk. Despite all of their years of friendship, Armin had never really met Grisha outside of passing, but oh boy the stories of what Eren had seen could be down right horrific at times.

He personally thought that Eren should have kept most of them to himself, but in the end it may or may not have been his fault for asking.

"I understand, but I don't think that's how calluses work Eren. Even if it was, I know Mikasa has cleanliness standards just as high as yours, and she's got really bad blisters around here." Replied Armin as he traced a line across his chest just below his collarbone.

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