That one world

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Hana pov

Hana opened her eyes slowly after she found a purple shining crystal that shined so bright and twinkled underneath the Suns light. Hana had a headache because after she found the purple crystal she forgot everything that ever happened after that. She saw people staring down at her they weren't anybody she knew at all as if she were in a different land. The weird people were staring down at me intensely but smiling down at me like they didn't want to scare me. I slowly got up and stood up on my legs. my head got a shocking pain at the side of my head all of a sudden I collapsed on the ground again. Than all the people that were staring down at me ran towards me when I fell on the ground a little girl with long black hair put her hand behind my head like I was her family but I didn't know her at all. Than another girl with long light brown hair with a braid at the side casted a spell on me it was some sort of cure spell because after she casted the spell my head did not hurt at all any more.

I slowly got back up and I felt a lot better when I recovered I asked them "um excuse me but where am I and who are you guys?" The guy with black hair and had on everything black answered back "we are inside a game called Alfhiem online longer way to say ALO and my name is Kitiro and this is yuuki, Asuna, leefa, Klein, and silica" and kitiro said a lot more names but I was soo distracted by the view I saw. It was beautiful! I saw a large tree that was spirally and had a different form than any other tree I ever saw. AND WAIT DID HE JUST SAY WE WERE INSIDE A GAME?!?!?!? No wonder that girl could use magic I never saw anyone use magic! And I did not know we could be in a game and how did I even get here anyways?!?! I slapped my pants pockets and I hurt my hand because I felt something hard in my pocket I put my hand in my pocket and I grabbed the item and saw it. It was the crystal I picked up earlier! Now I remember everything I was in ALO fighting the salamander race when I found the teleport crystal it broke and went crazy so that's how I ended up here.

Kitiro P.O.V
I asked Hana if I could see the crystal because it could've been a unknown item. Hana gave the crystal too me and I studied it closely and examined the crystal closely. And all of a sudden it hit me it was a teleport crystal! Because it was the exact replica but I didn't get it? Because After I cleared SAO everything should've been deleted from SAO but maybe this teleport crystal teleported to ALO. He didn't understand Akihiko kayaba at all after what he has done to tons of people. He didn't understand but why would there be only one left? And how exactly it got here but he would have to do examine it closer later because they were on level 19 defeating the boss level so he gave the crystal back to Hana. he saw Hana walk closer to the two gigantic doors and as soon as she put her hands on the door I yelled " NO HANA!" I ran towards her as fast as I could but I didn't make it she ran inside there and I saw the boss I looked for its name and it said "the gleam eyes" and it said another thing it said changed into immortal object? And it had 4 hp bars. Then the boss took its first attack and swung his zanbato sword towards Hana as I saw it, it was unbelievable I thought at that moment that Hana was going to die. I ran as fast as I could but I could not reach her in time but... When the boss swung his sword across the room it was a speed I never saw but I saw a Quick movement go across the room and as I saw it was Hana she sliced the boss in half and in a instant all the hp bars went down I was soo surprised I couldn't believe my eyes. Then I looked closely Hana had a really long hp bar and she was on LEVEL 200!!!! I never even knew anyone could be on level 200. I went up to Hana and asked her "how come you didn't tell me you were on level 200?" She looked down at the ground and replied "I didn't want anyone else to hate me like my other guild probably did..." What did she mean by probably?

Hana P.O.V
I could tell everyone was surprised after I beat the boss all by myself I shouldn't of have opened that door. But kitiro was really surprised because he kept on asking me questions. The only reason was because I didn't want to answer was because I was in SAO too when it was a death game. And I was a solo player but one day I joined a guild that was weak and I didn't want to tell them my real level so I told them I was on level 70. And one day we went to go defeat a boss on level 20 but there was a room that was suspicious and Diane ran towards the door and opened the door and there was a treasure chest in there in the center of the room. Diane said "ouu a treasure chest!" And opened it and all of a sudden tons of monsters came attacking us and I saw everyone die even the ones I cared for so much died right in front of my eyes. I yelled "NOOOO!" Why did they have to die when I was on level 200? I could've helped them all and they wouldn't of died if I helped them. I started crying while fighting the monsters realizing the worst thing was watching people Die right in front of my eyes. So that's why I didn't want to answer kitiro but all of a sudden my teleport crystal was glowing really bright and shaking and jumping trying to get out of my hand and all of a sudden there were glowing lights all around me and I started vanishing and then I was gone.

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