Two - The Kidnapping

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(Your POV)

    As soon as the woman agreed and signed all the necessary papers that would legally say that her daughter was ours to train, the two guards that were outside the door stepped in as she was kissing her daughter goodbye. After she left, the guards took the girl, who looked very very scared to a separate room to have her 'prepared' for the flight. She had no idea what was gonna happen to her... Another guard escorted me out of the building, and off the the jet again for the flight to my next destination. After I boarded the jet, the girl was brought on board with me, but she was quickly rushed away to a back compartment. She looked to be all tied up and muffled. I felt it was a little over the top, but- we just do what has to be done.
It didn't take us quite as long to get to the next location in the list. A little place not far from Stalingrad... The same process continued there, and that was another young girl off the list to join the small group of about 15* young girls to be trained as deadly assassins. The entire flight took about 4 days, with breaks in between flights to rest up and eat. Once we had all 15 girls that were on the list, we headed back to my mother's base of operations, in Moscow. The transition went smoothly, and the girls were taken to the labs to be brainwashed into obedience. My mother rewarded me by giving me a badge that meant I could have control over the girls if I do wished. Did I plan to use that power? No, probably not. Did I eventually? Yes.
A few days later, I dressed up in my most official-looking outfit and went down to where the girls were being prepped for their first day of training. My mother was the one that sent me, as she most always did. I make it to the big room that looked like a ballet studio; the girls were even wearing leotards and tutus. I paced back and forth in front of them and shouted at them in Russian. "<Did any of you think this was gonna be fun? Did you even have a thought in your mind that this was actually going to be a ballet program? I saw some of you even willingly sign up! Well, prepare for a wild ride, sisters, because you will be trained to be lethal assassins, just like me! I'm still in training myself, but you'll be at my level with enough hard work. Slackers don't come off easy...>"** I looked around at a few of them who had more light-hearted demeanours (somehow, after being kidnapped and even tortured?). "<I expect hard work from all of you, and if not, I have the privilege of punishing you!>"** I really didn't want to, but I had to seem intimidating if I was gonna get them to do what they were supposed to do. The girls seemed to understand that I was in charge, because they were obedient for the most part, but- one girl stood out to me...the first one we took. She had auburn red hair, and eyes that looked like they could cut through steel. She had a fiery determination within her and I knew she would be a good specimen to train.

*I don't know how many girls are in a group to be trained at the Red Room, so I made up a fairly small number.
**Translated from Russian.
(A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter, this one I just absolutely BS-ed because I have cooler stuff to get to later xD I completely understand if you don't like this one as much. It'll get better, I promise)

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