Dating Remus Lupin Would Include...

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Him being self-conscious about being a werewolf.

Him worrying that he isnt good enough for you and that you'd eventually leave him for someone else.

Constantly reassuring him that you love him and that he's the only person for you.

Him getting really cuddly around the full moon.

Teasingly calling him Moony all the time.

Being close with the Marauders(except Peter because he doesn't exist in this happy little world I've made up inside my head).

Hurting your neck to look up at him because he's very tall.

Having chocolate on you at all times just in case of emergencies, and by emergencies I mean in case you want to snuggle on the couch while eating chocolate.

Him giving the best hugs ever.

Sitting by the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room talking about anything.

Sitting by the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room, not saying anything, just holding each other silently.

James and Sirius basically adopting you as their little sister and being really weird and protective (which you don't mind because James and Sirius are great).

Study dates.

Sitting in the hospital wing with him after his transformations, even when he was still asleep, you would just silently wait for him to wake up. Then, once he was awake you would give him a bunch of chocolates and hugs.

Him just being the sweetest, innocent human ever.

James and Sirius making inappropriate jokes about you and Remus all the time, causing both of you to blush like crazy.

Trying to wait up for him after his prefect duties but ending up falling asleep on the couch in the Gryffindor common room. Usually, Remus would notice you sleeping on the couch and carry you up to his room.

Him being a total gentleman.

You stealing his sweaters.

Him getting mad at you for stealing his sweaters but not staying mad for long after seeing how beautiful you are when you're wearing his clothes.

Whenever you would begin reading a book Remus would also read the book because he knows how overexcited you get and wants to share that experience with you.

Him reading to you.

You reading to him.

Doing your homework together.

Him kissing your forehead while gently holding your face in his hands.

You being worried about him around the full moon.

Enjoying listening to him talking about the latest fact he found out even if you don't completely understand it because he's just so damn cute when he's passionately talking about something.

Him failing at flirting but you both end up laughing at it.

"Are you a magnet?"
"No. Why?"
"Because I'm attracted to you."
"Did Sirius teach you that?"
"Tell him it was awful."

Remus being jealous of how close you and Sirius are even though you constantly reassure him that Sirius is more like a brother to you.

Resting your head on his chest when you hug and listening to his steady heartbeat.

Jumping on his back randomly.

Him secretly having a goofy side to him that you absolutely love because he always tries to be serious and focused on studies, but when he's with you he relaxes and acts like a goofy idiot and you love it when he's like that because he's so much more chilled out.

Him wanting to be near you all the time during his "time of the month" because, according to him, you make his suffering more bearable(he's so dramatic around that time of the month).

Him being a precious lil bean 24/7.

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