The next day

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Marinette's Pov

Well you may ask what I did last night? Well nothing really, just cried and watched funny cat videos, *gough* and ate ice cream. It was Tikkis idea since I wasn't feeling well. But who to blame? Who would be happy after getting rejected by the love of your life? Spoiler alert, no one.

It was first time I was early on school. I was greeted by Alyas confused face. To be honest, it was funny seeing her reaction, "girl! Who are you and what did you do to Marinette?!" was first thing Alya said to me and I let out giggles.
"Sorry Alya, didn't sleep almost at all, and something woke me up at 5am."
Alya only nodded to me and we started to walk towards the class. I didn't want to bother her by telling what woke me up.. I was feeling really bad at this morning.

I was just got myself to sleep at 3am and then, somewhere near 5am my phone started to ring. I slowly opened my eyes to look at my phone. The number was unknown so I didn't answer it. But after it stopped, I started to get lots of messages. I looked at them, eyes widening.


Clumsy ass bitch.





No wonder Adrien rejected you.

My eyes started to water and I sat up. Tikki was still asleep so I didn't want to wake her up. I wiped my tears away and closed my phone. Who would send me such a things? And how they know about what happened? So yeah. After that I didn't sleep at all. Just sat on my bed, hugging my knees what were close to my chest.

Classes was normal, what means boring. I avoided Adrien whole day. I know he felt bad after rejecting me. He's a good guy, that is what I like about him. But after school ended, I was left alone on the class. Alya said that she'll be wating outside. I thought that everyone has already left but oh boy I was so wrong.

The day they made my life miserable.

The door slammed open and I looked up there. I saw Chloé, Sabrina and Lila all together. I somehow knew that something was about to happen.

"Well, well, well, look who it is. Isn't it one and only Maritrash!" said an annoying voice that belonged 'one and only' Chloé Bourgeois. I simply rolled my eyes at her and took all my things, "what you want this time Chloé" I spat her name like it was a poison to me. But well I shouldn't have done that attitude to her. She told Lila something as a smirk grew on their faces.

"Aw, don't be mean Marinette~, we just want tell you something," Lila started. I narrowed my eyes and was about to leave but they blocked the door so I couldn't.
"Can you move?" I asked, trying to sound nice.
"Nope," Lila said, popping the 'p', keeping her ugly ass smirk on her face. Again, rolling my eyes, I put my other hand on my hip, "okay, tell me then what you want to tell me. I need to get home."

"We want you to know how worthless you are," started Chloé. I rased my eyebrown little confused. That didn't hurt my feelings. Not at least now. I have heard that thing from Chloé alot.
"Nothing new I see. Now move your asses," I tried to get through but that was a big mistake. I felt something hard hitting my face what made me fell down. Books on my hands fell om the floor, around me and three girls only laughed. I putted my hand on my cheek where it was burning.
I lifted my head to look up at them, tears in my eyes. No one has never done that to me. How dare they!
I stood up, biting my lip, "why did you do that!?" was only thing I was able to think of saying. They only laughed more.

"You deserve it. Like why has no one ever done it before? Hm let me think.. Oh I know! They are afraid that you lose your mind! Everyone knows how worthless you are! And how you don't deserve to live anymore!"

That was all it took to me push through them and run. I hold my tears because I knew Alya was wating for me. No way I was gonna tell her what happened! Not to anyone to be honest!
I made it to the school entering and saw Alya there with her phone, wating for me. I took a deep breath and walked up to her, "hi, sorry for the wait! Had to use the bathroom!" I laughed nervously, Alya smiled, putting her phone away to look at me, "yeah girl, I was think- what happened to your cheek!"
Oh shit, I forgot! How am I gonna tell her how I got my cheek bruised! Think Marinette!

"I uh. You know me Alya. I hit my face on the bathroom door on the way out there, clumsy me!" I laughed fake laugh but she seemed to buy it. But not my lying.
"Okay girl, I let it slide, this time! But be careful okay?" I sighed in relief, smiling at her, "let's go now?" I asked her. We were going to my home to do our homeworks and then just have sleepover! It was gonna be weekend anyway but just now seeing Alya made me happy again.

But I didn't know that this was just a start of my miserable life. I didn't know what was coming for me on the near future..

Hope you liked the new chapter! I'm planing on doing longer chapters if I have time! More likely they are going to be like this. But well, what you think? Would it be better to have chapters be longer or kinda like this?

Also, I'm writing thease on my phone and might have writing errors or like that, because you all know how pain in the ass it is to write something fast on the phone and be lazy to fix mistakes xD but yeah, see you in next chapter!

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