Separated (Apocalypse AU) (Fem Reader)

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'(Y/N)'s hold on Katsuki's hand tightened as she stood inside her old school, witnessing the horror that was taking place. Her class had been surviving the apocalypse together for almost five months now, and they all felt safe. However, one bad move made by a certain grape boy ruined it all. Mineta was on watch and forgot to barricade the door properly, meaning the zombies had gotten in the class. The (H/C) watched in horror as the people she considered her second family were brutally eaten alive. First went Mineta, then Sato, Koda, Aoyama, Momo, Sero, Uraraka, Iida, Asui, Hagakure, Oijiro, Shoji, Tokoyami, Kaminari, Jirou, and Mina. Their teacher, Aizawa, stood in front of Todoroki, Midoriya, Kirishima, Bakugo, and (Y/N), considering they were the only remaining students. "Get out while you can!" Aizawa ordered, clutching his knife tightly as he rushed towards the zombies, determined to save his students. The group ran out of the classroom, dodging zombies as they ran down the halls and attempted to make their way out of the school. "(Y/L/N)! Watch out!" Midoriya shouted, getting pulled into Todoroki's chest. (Y/N) gasped at the sight in front of her, noticing three zombies were blocking her path. Before he could do anything, Katsuki was pushed away from (Y/N). He was about to yell at the culprit, but realized it was his girlfriend herself who pushed him away. He attempted to make her way towards her so he could help, but was stopped by (Y/N) using the control panel beside her, making a wall rise between herself and the four students. "Go! Stay alive!" She cried, giving them one last smile before preparing to fight the zombies. The last thing she heard from her friends was her boyfriend's desperate cries to be released from Kirishima's hold.'

The (H/C) shot awake, panting and gasping for air. She felt tears streaming down her cheeks as she tried to forget her awful dream. However, she couldn't deny the facts. That was the last time she saw her friends. The last time she saw Katsuki. She shook her head and reached for her water bottle, taking a sip. She looked out the window, seeing it was relatively bright outside. 'I should get moving. I need to find more supplies before it gets dark.' She thought, packing up her bag and moving the bookshelf, peeking her head out the door. Once the coast was clear, she began to run away from the shack, beginning to feel the pain in her ankle. "Shit!" She shouted, remaining at the same pace as before. After about two hours of searching, she came across a lake. "Fish..." She mumbled, limping over to the lake while brandishing her knife. (Y/N) collapsed on the shore, her ankle finally giving out. However, it wasn't entirely a bad thing because there were some fish gathered where she collapsed. She suddenly stabbed them, managing to catch three of the five. "Finally, some good food." She declared, giggling slightly. As she stood up, a building in the distance caught her attention. "U.A..." She mumbled, memories flooding back to her. "Fuck it. Might as well check for supplies and survivors." She decided, beginning to cross the lake using the stones spread out in the water.

Finally, (Y/N) had arrived outside the old gates of her former school, U.A. High. She attempted to open the door to the gate, but soon realized it was in lock down mode. 'I caused this three months ago...' She thought, sighing to herself quietly. Even though her ankle was in immense pain, she decided to toss her backpack over the wall and begin climbing up. After three tries, the (H/C) successfully sat on top of the wall, smiling gently. She had done the hard part, now all she needed to do was gracefully get down. However, gracefully wasn't an option. (Y/N) slipped off the wall, landing on her butt painfully. Before she had time to complain, she gasped as a zombie began approaching her. Her knife was in her bag, so she had no way of protecting herself. She began crawling backwards, her back hitting the cold, stone wall. 'This is where I die...' She mumbled, closing her eyes and bracing herself for the painful bite, but it never came. Instead, she heard a grunt and the sound of a knife entering a skull. She opened her (E/C) eyes, gasping as she met the gaze of a pair of green eyes. "Deku!" She exclaimed, smiling brightly. "(Y/L/N)?!" He cried, bending down to help her up. Once she was standing, Midoriya brought her into a hug, feeling tears hit his shirt. "You need to come with me. Grab your bag." Midoriya declared, watching as (Y/N) limped over to her bag and picked it up.

(Y/N) limped next to Midoriya as he led her through the halls of their old school. "How'd you get the injury?" He asked, tilting his head in confusion. "Avoiding zombies. It hurt like hell." She explained, getting a nod from Midoriya. "Did the other three survive? What about Aiz-" "We're here." She began, getting cut off by Midoriya announcing that they had arrived. The (H/C) tilted her head in confusion, watching intently as Midoriya unlocked the door, stepping inside. (Y/N) slowly walked inside, only to be met with gasps and cries. "(Y/N)!" A familiar redhead exclaimed, immediately pulling her into a hug. "Kiri!" She shouted, hugging him back. Once they pulled away, she locked eyes with Todoroki, both smiling. "Todo!" She exclaimed, rushing over and hugging him as well. "I'm glad you're alive, (Y/L/N)." He declared, ruffling her hair quickly. Before anyone could say anything else, another figure walked into the room. "What're you idiots yelling about?! Aizawa said to keep the noise to a mini-" The person began, stopping when they saw (Y/N). "Dumbass..." They mumbled, rubbing their red eyes. (Y/N) slowly turned around, locking eyes with her boyfriend. "Katsu!" She cried, rushing over and collapsed into his arms, ignoring the pain in her leg. Katsuki felt his eyes welling with tears as he kissed her forehead, hugging her tightly. "Don't ever scare me like that again. I love you..." He whispered, quiet enough that only they could hear. (Y/N) just nodded and buried her head deeper into his chest, finally feeling complete again. 

Katsuki Bakugo x Reader (DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें