Chapter One

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I woke up to the sound of my parents yelling downstairs in the kitchen. "Not your usual wake up routine," thinking to myself as I rolled over to the other side of my bed. Placing the fluffy white pillow over my head only minimized the yelling for a little bit. However, it was hard for me to go back to sleep, so I let out a sigh and was now wide awake and the thought of going back to sleep seemed impossible. 

Raising from the bed, I slide my legs out from under the warm blanket. I pushed my long brown hair back behind the ear, stretched, got up and headed for the bathroom. Taking one glance at myself in the mirror I didn't believe what I saw.

"Why can't I look like Julia Roberts when I wake up in the morning?" Black smudges were smeared underneath my eyes from my mascara making me look like a raccoon. Taking a hefty breath, I went over to the shower and turned on the hot water. 

Steam immediately filled the room, as I started to get undress. Hot water hit my cold body as the early morning stress from my parents' fights melted away into the drain.


After putting on the last little bit of makeup onto my face. I looked myself over in the mirror one last time feeling satisfied with my long wavy brown, and my rib net pink shirt with long sleeve and my high waisted black jeans with the holes in the knees and one little hole on the upper thigh with a white pair of Addidas shoes. I snatched my backpack, and phone closing the bedroom door and bounded down the stairs. The kitchen was finally quiet. I looked around for mother but she had already gone to work, and father sat at the table with a newspaper and a tall glass of wine. 

"Isn't it a little early for you to be drinking dad?" Placing two pieces of bread into the toaster.

He kept reading his paper, ignoring the fact that I was in the same room as him. Not paying me any attention, I finished buttering the toast, grabbed the car keys and headed out the door. 

Ten minutes later, I finally arrived at school. Students came from everywhere. The parking lot littered with students, and the sidewalks were walked all over by millions of feet. Somehow it reminded me of an antfarm. 

Pressing the lock button on the keys, I headed for school. I have never liked standing out from the rest of the crowd. I was the type of person who blends in with the wall and tries my best to stay away from the drama and boys. I really didn't have a lot of friends. And thank heavens for that! I do, however, have one friend and that was all that I needed to survive the last year of this miserable journey of senior year. 

When my hand reached for the teal door it rammed into my hand shooting pain through it.  

"Ouch! Watch where you're going dude," I snarled. 

"I am so sorry. I didn't know you were there. Are you okay?" His voice, deep and hoarse caught my attention. My head snapped up and my eyes were met with the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. He had brown hair that made his face look tanner in the late winter season, and he was much taller making me feel like I was David and him Goliath. I felt my cheeks get bit hot and I just stood there staring into his eyes like a freaking idiot.

"Uhhhh... are you okay?" He asked again looking ever so impatient. His eye's kept going back behind me hoping nobody would find him trying to sneak into the music building. 

"Uh yeah, sorry. I'm fine. You just surprised me." Moving out of his way. I watched him hastily walk to the music room, sweeping his head back and forth hoping that nobody noticed him entering the building. 


A/N: Please don't forget to vote and comment! Please let me know what you think! I would so love feedback! Please share this one with your friends, I promise you this would be a very good book! 


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