All too familiar

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Muzan's pov

Ah all these annoying people asking me why i don't have a mate is infuriating me now like why can't they get a life and leave the heck out. well I'm really good being single like no more text, no more ex and being single is the best.

Atleast that's what i was thinking before i got bumped into someone.My face became a frown as i thought of dealing with a brat in the morning.

"watch where you're going bi-" i said well i tried to say but something got my attention. Yes that scar on the boy's forehead is familiar to me it gives me goosebumps.

He pushed me lightly but i was too out to notice i was about to fall. I fell on my butt and i was pretty sure something pierced my thigh oh ya it was a nail. who the fuck dropped a fucking nail here? it started to bleed but i didn't care all i could do was stare at the beautiful features in his face.

Can that be him? is that really him? no it can't be! when all these thoughts ran threw my already half dead brain that cute little angel infront of started to yell at me for calling him a bitch but i didn't even say bitch. What if i was trying to say bible or something?

I wanted to yell back at him or push him away but my body said otherwise. I couldn't hear what he was saying at all i could see was a pink background with his face in the center.

Damn he definitely is that boy from before but still i need to check fully.

After our lil chat well more like after he cussed the hell outta me i straight up went to the bathroom.

I stood infront of a mirror and slightly removed my shirt to see it glowing yes my birthmark is glowing. It really is him. I smirked to myself knowing i have to baby sit our future babies. wait now's not the's too soon.

I walked upto my class to see 'my' angel sitting besides giyuu?! wtf! my mind ranged at the thought of my souldmate getting touched by some lowlife rat like giyuu tomioka the uke attracter of this school. Have to be really careful.

"goodmorning class" i said while keeping all my attention only on tanjiro.

I heard tanjiro yell at me again he was probably thinking that i was just a passer by and not his teacher well unfortunately fate led us into the same trap.

I explained why i was late and got question if i had went to take care of my erection and oops ya he kinda got me there but i wasn't that hard to begin with.

I called out his name and he looked like he was terrified like who wouldn't be? you called a guy jerk and he ends up being your teacher. pretty ironic ha.

"please come here tanjiro kamado" i said as i motioned him to come and stand besides me and he did as i told.

he looked really nervous i wonder how he'll looke under m- never mind.

i wanted to squeeze his cheeks but had to act like a teacher for kami's sake.

"so students this is our new student Tanjiro kamado. He decided to join the demon slayer academy in the middle cuz his family was brutally murdered by demons and he wants some revenge i suppose" i finished and regreted it the next second when i noticed tears welling up in his eyes.

"Tanjiro go out and fresh up for a second" i told him which he nodded in return and quietly went out.

"Sir kibutsuji. does he have a boyfriend tho? he looks like a total snack" muichiro stood up and asked me which made my blood boil and i wanted to let out the anger out by killing him.

who does he think he is calling what's mine a snack infront of me.

"am i a joke to you?" i asked which got a confused look from muichiro and others.

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