Chapter 5

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"Guys!! I have great news for you all!" A voice yelled as we were getting ready to practice. We looked over to see an over excited Takeda exclaimed. We all lilted our heads confused by his excitement. After a few seconds of utter confusion, Daichi decided to ask what was going on. "What is going on that is so exciting?"
"Well guys, we now have a coach!"
"Hah?!" We all exclaimed. "A coach?!"
"That's right! We also have a practice game against Nekoma!" He replied to us, still overly excited. We all looked at him with wide eyes full of excitement and happiness. We haven't had one since Coach Ukai retired. "Anyway, get set up, he will be here soon!"
"Yes sir!"

"Everybody line up!" Daichi yelled causing the whole team to head to the gym doors. Everybody lined up in a row to great our new coach. Slowly the doors opened revealing our coach.
"Hah?! It's the guy from the store!" Hinita yelled, receiving a smack on the back of his head making him yelp.
"Yea thats me. I'm your new coach, Keshin Ukai. I'll only be here to coach you while your at the Nekoma practice game today, after that I'm done. One day thing only." He told us. He is Coach Ukais grandson. Hearing this destroyed my high hopes to get better.
"Please Coach Ukai, please teach us how to be a better team." I said. I didn't want to lose a coach we just got. It's way to hard to find one in the first place. "I promise that we will try very hard."
"Hah? Heh, well I um, could maybe think about that. May I ask who you are?" He responded.
'God, more introductions.' I thought. I gave out a little sigh before introducing myself, again.
"My name is (Y/N), I am one of Karasunos players. Specifically for the male team." I mumbled the last part so he wouldn't hear, but clearly I failed.
"Isn't that not allowed?" He asked rather confused. I cursed under my breath, receiving a head chop from Suga, forcing me to explain. While explaining that, I introduced the others afterwards.

"Ohh, I get it. So then why aren't you practicing? You should be since you play right?" He asked, unsure of what I was doing as I didn't really look prepared to practice. I mumbled incoherent words. I was about to speak but Suga and Daichi spoke up for me.
"She actually um had uh hurt her arm and she uh can't really play right now. Though she might be able to play when it heals." I looked at them and smiled. I gave them a 'thanks-for-the-save' look and they smiled in return. I look over at Coach and bow down.
"I do apologize that I cannot practice at the moment, but when I heal up I promise to practice and help the first years sir, I swear on it." He looked at me with wide eyes telling me to stand upright, so I did, then he began talking.
"As long as I can see once, the I will be good. Just make sure you heal properly." I nodded then looked up at him and gave him a smirk. 'Gotch' ya Coach.' He looked at me rather confused until he realized what I just did.
"Hey, not fair kid!" He yelled. I chuckled at the man known as our coach, and started cleaning up so we could get ready for the practice match. 'Can't wait you see how this goes.'

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