Brinker laughed, "Dude you've been through real shit. Oh how dope that is to someone who nothing's happened to" Javi said to him. "I mean come on, you already have the richest and prettiest girl in school talking to you" he continued.

"Who?" Tyler asked. "Juniper Springs! man come one" Brinker said hitting him on the shoulder. " I mean I don't think anyone has dated her, she doesn't even have friends." Javi said. "Calm down we just met yesterday and I'm not looking for a relationship the grass ain't greener on the other side when it comes to girls liking you for trauma" Tyler told them.

"Look what throwing a party tonight you should totally come" Brinker said inviting the Locke boy.

"You should come dude" Brinker said. After coach yelling repeatedly for them the two boys skated back into the rink while Tyler hydrated himself.


After practice Juniper planned on going home and finishing off her book but it seems that the universe had another plan. So this year was standing at a party waiting for one of her cousins to have her fun and ask to go home.

Because Juniper was put on babysitting duty tonight which you really hate. With her book being at home she just decided to play the eight ball app on her phone. She was leaning on a wall while shaking her phone until she heard "Something wrong with your phone" she looked up to see Tyler walking over to her with blood shot eyes.

"Eight ball app" she replied. "Ah" Tyler hummed. The duo was then immersed in awkward silence. "So, what did you ask it?" Tyler asked cutting the tension. "Will anything interesting happen at this party" she replied removing the hair from her face.

"And?" Tyler asked with a smile growing on his face. "Mm..Not likely" she replied with a giggle at the end. "So you're saying I might as well call it a night?" He asked. "Well I would've been nose deep in a book but I'm stuck on babysitting duty to one of my cousins tonight so yeah maybe I'm saying that"

"Javi is serving cheap vodka and Cheez Whiz, I left hope at the door" Tyler joked. Juniper let out another giggle this one a little longer. Just then Juniper's drunk cousin came stumbling towards the two. "Shots?" She said holding them up.

"I think it's time to get you home and me to my book" Juniper said taking the alcohol out of her hands. "Fine" she dragged out. Appearing in thin air a girl which Juniper never saw took the two shots holding one up to Tyler "Means more for us" she said flirtatiously.

Juniper just gave him a strained smile before walked out her cousin in toe. When she got outside she shoved her cousin into the backseat and going to the front. She turned ignition on but nothing happened she did that four times till she realized her car battery she had died.


Heading out to going to frustration and hitting her head on the steering wheel, she called me which she sat down on the sidewalk waiting for. A few moments later the pick up truck arrived though for some apparent reason he said he wouldn't be able to drop her home so that she was on the sidewalk with a cousin laying on her lap hoping to get a ride.

Just a joke about to call her parents, she heard the door close and she saw it was Tyler. "Hey I thought you were going home" he said looking at her. " I was but then my car battery died" she sighed.

"Well get in" he said pointing to his car. "I couldn't" she said shaking her head. "Hey just because it is it a jeep doesn't mean that it's disgusting" He said mock offended. " no it's not that, I don't want to intrude and ruin your night because we'll still have to go pass my cousins house"

Key to my heart (Tyler Locke)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum