comes back from the "dead"

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Izuku p.o.v
I was training to be stronger and I had enough muscles to be in a fight and noone knows I am strong

I was strong enough to fight criminals but I couldn't since the law forbade people or citizens to fight or so called villains

I made my costume and it was all black and white(Izuku's costume in the story of season 4 but no ears and it is all black and white) by making dye from berries w/ charcoal and clothing from deers and bear some armor from metal I gathered.

I found my home town wearing my homemade suit and saw a mask on the floor that looks like a crow with black and it will fit with suit so I wore and people were looking at me funny and some kid said I was villain but I didn't care

I was walking around and I heard an explosion and walked towards the direction and found izumi walking and wearing a U.A uniform and I knew she went there now so I walked around and saw thugs robbing a girl that had a ponytail and a U.A uniform so I walked in and said in a deep voice by my voice modifier"hey guys can you pls stop or I will KILL u all with no hesitation".
They all looked at me and said I was joke so I punched him in the gut and he went over to the wall that broke and was injured really bad and they all ran away so I asked if the lady was alright and she responded "yeah I'm okay but I have to go to school now"and she ran off and I fought 20 criminals today and they are low level thugs and I was so bored fighting them then eraserhead,all might,and midnight is there and saying things like you are going to pay for your crimes vigilante and cops were around saying u are under arrest for using quirk in public and I responded "I didn't used my quirk on them since it was day time and there was no need to and I am doing a favor for you all for putting away all those thugs in prison." And  saw all of them readying to fight and this is going to be a tiring day

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