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It's three in the afternoon, and I'm casually seated on the couch reading a magazine, when my stomach rumbles, indicating that I need to have my two- hour interval snack. I hastily look around the dining room to see if I can find my quick fill. When, BAM! Right in front of my eyes is a giant box of Nestlé staring me right in the face, almost coincidentally. I slowly get off the couch and start to drift over to it, almost like in a trance. I stare at the box and admire its vibrant colours which are main purpose, so it can attract people like me, to buy the product even though I know I really shouldn't.


I reach into the box, still in a trance and start doing my little finger dance between the different chocolates; Smarties, Aero, Coffee Crisp, and Kit Kat. At last, my finger rests on one, the Kit favourite. I take it out of the box and twirl it in my hands with a big grin on my face looking like a miner that has just struck gold. Still in my trance, I admire the  packaging and eye catching red, and finger it around, feeling the bumps and edges, and the very faint words of "Kit Kat" through the packaging. I slowly start to unwrap the chocolate, when suddenly; something washes over me and knocks me out of that unexplainable trance. I quickly drop the chocolate, in shock and it lands on the table, still intact but little flakes of chocolate had come off upon impact.


I stand at the dining table for a few seconds, contemplating whether or not I should eat the chocolate, and then walk over to the mirror by the front door, where I look at myself and smiled, open my mouth nice and wide and analyze my teeth. As I'm doing this, my dentist's words come echo in my sub conscience "it's either candy and crooked teeth, or no candy and a perfect smile…your choice." I so badly wanted that perfect smile, and that chocolate bar…that soft, sweet, crunchy, gooey chocolate bar. It was then I realised, I had a major problem with chocolate. I was so tempted by it. All it was doing was lying there, half wrapped, letting its sweet aroma find its way to my nose and entice my senses, and make me go crazy. I felt like a drug addict that needed their next shot to go on. But I had to stand my ground, and say no, no matter how hard it was. 


So, I march over to the table, with one smooth motion, sweep that Kit Kat into my hand and put it in the nearest clean bowl I can find, cover it and kept it slightly hidden amongst  the few vases of flowers on the table. Walking into the kitchen I had second thoughts as to going back and devouring that chocolate, but the guilt and shame that would come after was not worth it. I look around the kitchen, and found nothing but recently cleaned pots and pans, so I took those extra few steps to the fridge where I found various containers of yogurt, fruit, cheese, leftovers and surprisingly enough more chocolate. Again that very same trance had washed over me, but I quickly snap out of it, take the yogurt, fruit and clos the fridge as fast as I opened it. I found a clean bowl, spoon and some honey, made my snack and went back into the living room to enjoy it with my magazine and along with my feeling of pride and joy of realising that, yes I did have will power afterall.Addictied

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 27, 2012 ⏰

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