All Is Revealed, No More Lies

Start from the beginning

"Are you blushing?" Agnarr said teasingly. All Iduna could do was just laugh, but it was hard to. The memory would not leave her head.

However, her husband's kind words made her uncover her face, letting down her hands. She looked straight into his eyes, but the fear was still there.

The king had stopped with all the teasing as he realized it wasn't a good time. He placed one of his hands under his wife's chin. Tears started to form in the queen's eyes, trying to blink them away.

Sadness filled Agnarr's gaze. He wanted to ask her if she wanted to go outside and go somewhere to talk privately.

"Iduna, do you want to go somewhere private?" he asked her in the same soft tone.

All Iduna did was nod. She couldn't get any words to come out from her mouth.

"Alright. Lets go," said Agnarr, heading outside their bedroom door with her.


The couple were almost at their destination. Iduna's legs had started getting shaky from all the fear inside of her. It was now becoming hard to walk and Agnarr noticed.

"Iduna, your legs seem to be getting shaky. Want to me to carry you?" he'd ask, still worried. Iduna jumped back and suddenly blushed again.

"U-Uh, no thanks! That's okay!" she replied quickly, speeding through her sentence. Now, Agnarr could sense her shyness. She hadn't showed in a while.

"Iduna, please. You need it. Come on, don't be shy. I'll be careful and I promise not to drop you. You literally look like you're going to fall sooner or later," he said gently, picking her off the ground without giving his wife a chance to reply, leaving her in a startle.

She was surprised, but didn't say anymore. When they reached a tree, they both went under it together and the king placed her down again, pulling her into an embrace and she rested her head on his chest.

"I love you."

The queen's heartbeat fastened. That voice. He was still keeping it. It was so soft. So caring. She finally had the strength to spit out the truth.

"I need to tell you about my past and where I'm from."

"I'm listening."

Iduna's head was lifted from his. She took a deep breath to settle the anxiety that was still haunting her. She then spoke.

"I'm from the Northuldra tribe."

Agnarr stopped stroking her cheek for a moment. He couldn't help but feel shocked. She was from Northuldra.

"Y-You are?" his voice was low. She was barely able to hear him but she still did. The tone of his voice felt like a hit in the chest.

"Y-Yes, and there's something else I need to tell you," she stuttered. Agnarr gained control of himself so he could let her continue.

"Go on," he gently said. "I'm still listening and I'm not going anywhere.

He was stroking her cheek again. Just then, there was something he didn't expect. She pulled away from him and went behind a tree, leaving him confused.

"Iduna? What are you-"

He was cut off. He heard something come out of her mouth that was familiar to him. His eyes widened. Her voice. He heard it when he was first saved by the mysterious person all those years ago. Realization hit him.

She was the one who saved him.

"I-Iduna?" it was now his turn to stutter.

"Y-Yes, A-Agnar-r?" her stuttering was even worse than before. She was so afraid. She was so afraid of how he would think of her now. She thought he would despise her forever.

Nothing had changed. A smile formed on Agnarr's face. It was her. After years of waiting, he finally got his answer. She found her.

"Come out from behind the tree, please," he ordered with stern in his voice.

Iduna shakily came out from her spot with tears streaming down her face. There was something she didn't expect. Agnarr ran up to her, taking her in his grasp and lifting her up, spinning her around. He laughed.

"It was you!" he said between laughs. "I've found you! You saved me! I've found you, my lady! I finally have my answer!"

Agnarr stopped for a moment, noticing his lady's tears. They continued to roll down her face. His expression was sympathetic. He hated whenever she would cry.

"Iduna? What's wrong now?" he asked, thinking if he did something to make her like this. "Did I do something wrong?"

"N-No! It's just..." Iduna paused for a moment, gazing into his eyes, trying to see what she would find. It wasn't what she had expected. There wasn't any hatred. It was pure love. Nothing had changed at all.


"I-I thought your feelings would change about me. I thought you would hate me. I was afraid you wouldn't love me anymore after I've told you where I was from. I'm sorry I told lies. I'm sorry I held the truth in for all these years."

Agnarr was shocked. Is this what she really thought? Is this why she didn't bother talking about her past to him?

He didn't want her to say anything else. Her voice was breaking and it was breaking his heart even more. He pulled her close to her chest and sat down on the ground with the woman in his arms. He gently placed his chin on her head, carefully rocking her while she was letting out tears of pain that had been kept inside for so many years.

He then said one last thing to her before going silent.

"Iduna, I love you. No matter where you're from, no matter what kind of past you've had, I will always feel that same emotion I always have."

Iduna was still crying into his chest, but a small smile formed on her lips.

"Thank you, Agnarr."

She Has Secrets Too {Agnarr x Iduna}Where stories live. Discover now