A beautiful brawl

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A/N: wow gotta re watch the movie. The next few chapters may be a bit shorter since I developed new writing habits. I also reread this and made some typo edits. It's not as cringe as I thought ^>^

Also my brother is being an annoying little shit and I'm about to raise hellfire on him.

Changed a bit of the plot: Silver doesn't break up the fight, it's only Arrow.

Leslie emerged from the galley and looked around in awe. Everyone was hustling to their positions while the captain was shouting orders. Jim came up from the galley and joined his sister.

"So are we really doing this?" Leslie asked, looking around at everyone scrambling to tie things down and power up the ship.

"Yep. No turning back." Jim replied. Leslie wandered to where Delbert and the captain were.

"Brace yourself, doctor." Captain Amelia said.

"bRaCe YoUrSeLf." Delbert mocked. Leslie stifled her laughter and was thrown back against the wall when the ship took off. Delbert was thrown back as well and collided with Leslie, knocking the wind out of her.

"Yeah," Leslie wheezed, " that's my karma..." She regained her composure and turned to look at the wonders of space.

Time skip. A/N: look I'm rusty. there's gonna be a time skip.

Jim and Leslie were quickly put to work. They were ordered to do the work that none of the other crew mates wanted to do. For example, washing dishes, swabbing the deck, etc.

"How'd we end up doing all their dirty work?" Jim grumbled as he mopped the deck.

"Leslie, talk some sense into them, there's no way I'm gonna tolerate doing this for several months straight." He said.

"Jim, just because I'm an adult doesn't mean they'll listen." Leslie replied. She continued to clean until Jim nudged her and gestured to some of the crew whispering very suspiciously.

"What do yo think they're talking about?" Jim whispered.

"Don't know. Best not to stare for too long." She shrugged.

"Oh shit-" she mumbled when the sketchy ass crew mates stopped talking and looking at her and Jim.

"What are you looking at weirdos?" One of them questioned.

"Yeah. Weirdos" another one chimed in. Leslie heard a hissing sound behind her and quickly turned around to see a spider-like alien climbing down from the lookout station.

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck'  Leslie internally screamed.

"Cabin kids should learn to mind their own business." The alien sneered.

"Why? You got something to hide, bright eyes?" Jim retorted.

"Maybe your ears don't work so well" the alien snarled, lifting Jim up by his collar. Leslie rolled up her sleeves, preparing to fight if need be.

"Yeah. Too bad my nose works just fine." Jim said.

"Why you impudent little-" the alien snarled, pinning him to a nearby pole. That was the last straw for Leslie. No one fucking treats her younger brother like that and lives to tell the tale. She tackled the alien so he'd drop Jim. Then she got on top of him and started punching that fucker. The other crew mates got involved and it turned into an all out brawl. Leslie even managed to curb stomp someone...somehow. Even though she landed several good punches, she also got her fair share of punches. This wasn't like any of the fights back at the Interstellar Academy. In those fights, she had opponents that were roughly the same size as her and she always won those fights. The crew on the ship are much larger than her and probably have been in more scraps than she has. Somewhere in there, that spider bitch managed to leave a nasty gash on Leslie's shoulder.

"FUCK!" Leslie yelled, cringing at the pain in her left shoulder.

"Not so tough now, are we?" Spider- Bitch sneered.

"Bring it on you bitch!" She yelled, clutching her bleeding shoulder. As he was about to go in for a final blow, Leslie hears footsteps coming down the stairs.

"What's all this then?!" Leslie heard Arrow yell. She turned her head to face him.

"You know the rules. There will be no brawling on this ship. Any further offenders will be confined to the brig for the remainder of the voyage. Am I clear, Mr. Scroop?" Arrow asked sternly.

'Hm. So that's that fucker's name..Im still calling Scroop Spider Bitch. It's fitting.' Leslie thought before a sharp pain from her shoulder slapped her out of thought.

"Leslie?!" Jim exclaimed, kneeling next to her. He removed her jacket and examined the wound.

"Shit, This looks bad. Mr. Arrow!" Jim called. Arrow approached them and kneeled down next to Leslie.

"I'll take her to the captain," Arrow said, helping her up, "Silver will deal with you."

Yayyyyy somewhat of a chapter. I'm writing this at 1130 PM and I'm pooped.

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