"Lady Byleth!"

Byleth turned to see the Gatekeeper running up to her. He stopped to catch his breath and stood back up to present the news.

"Trouble on the eastern borders! There are rebels attacking the neighboring villages and its been said that they plan on attacking the church straight away!"

"What?!" Byleth said before clenching her hands by her sides. "Assemble the knights and Wyvern flyers! Hold off the attack until my arrival!"
The knights of the church and most of its Wyvern flyers were just outside the monetary's walls. As best as they could, they were defending the weakened war-torned church. However, they were heavily outnumbered, and even Byleth knew of this. Still, she had changed into her warrior outfit and reached the front lines. In her right hand, she wielded the most powerful relic the church had to offer:

The Sword of the Creator.

It glowed a soft red as she let it disassemble into a whip, slashing it towards the rebels. Without actually hitting anyone, she managed to push them back a few feet.

"All of you! State your business with the church!" Byleth cried out. One of the rebels stood in front of his comrades and held up his axe in defiance.

"We will never follow the new 'rules' the new 'king' has set up! Especially not if the church is buddy buddy with him!"

"The Church of Serios does not want harm to be done to anyone, not even to the likes of you! We wish to help those who were affected by-"

"The war? We are from the war! We wish to seal our prize that was taken right from us!" He added as everyone behind him cheered in agreement.

"Us? You mean..." Byleth started, but before she could finish, the rebel army charged once more towards them. She clenched her teeth and stood her ground, the sword back in its original state. Despite her combat training, she knew that she wasn't going to be able to handle them all.

'Will I die...Without seeing you again...?'

She thought before closing her eyes. Suddenly from the far left side of her knights and herself, a large burst of arrows rained down from the sky and reached many of its targets down below.

"For Fódlan and the Church of Serios!"

A large war cry chanted from a afar and a large army, both with land fighters and Wyvern archer flyers, rushed down from the hills and attacked the rebels head on. Byleth opened her eyes to the cry and widen to see who it was that shouted it with so much confidence. Leading the pack happened to be none another than the newly crowned king himself.

"Claude!" Byleth cried out, a smile forming on her face. Surprisingly, Claude had heared her cry and quickly changed his path to fly towards her instead. With one quick swoop, he managed to lift her into his arms and onto his pure white Wyvern. The church knights and Wyvern flyers attacked along side the king's army, managing to push away the rebel army, and causing them to flee. They at least managed to detain the "leader".

"You came back," Byleth said with a relieving smile when they finally landed onto the ground.

"Of course I did. Like I said, there was nothing that was going to stop me from seeing you again," He said with a smile as the pair hugged one another tightly. Both of them longed for this moment, but it was short lived as they had another pressing matter to attend.

"My lord. What should we do with the prisoner?" A royal solider asked when he came up to the pair. They broke apart from their hug pretty quickly. Byleth wasn't sure if the whole country knew of their relationship, while Claude wasn't sure if Byleth wanted to show that she was his fiancé to the public.

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