|𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔| 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒐𝒏

Start from the beginning

𝙿𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙾𝙽𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈: Isadora is defiantly someone from her time, though she acts more like a man than a woman. She sees no pleasure nor joy in staying stuck in a house, cooking food and minding children, what sort of life is that? Wasting away while you relay on a man to keep you safe? One thing which is clear when it comes to Isadora, is that's she's rebellious. She doesn't follow the normal life of a woman, and lives her own life, doing what she wants, when she wants. She'd rather die than bow down to a man. She's certainly Daring, pushing her limits to see how far she can go. With her powers and her lifestyle. She loves jumping into danger and getting into Drunken Fist fights! Its gives her a major adrenaline rush! She is incredibly reckless, she doesn't give much thought to her actions and she can ruffle a persons feathers in a matter of seconds, she finds it ever so amusing and she especially enjoys doing it to stuck up nobles and royals. She is quite the playful person, always messing about and she hardly takes anything seriously. If they were rushing into a deathly battle, she would be still be strategic, yet she would still have some fun with it as well! She's humorous and often makes witty jokes. This pirate is adventurous and loves going on mysterious voyages into the unknown and charting new locations on her map. She has no doubt she's been to most islands and kingdoms and has many tales of her adventures, she does tend to exaggerate sometimes to make the story more dramatic. She's quite the story teller. She's a wild card and you never know what she'll do next, which is the joy of being around her. She's ambitious and mostly always has a goal in mind, and with that she's determined to get it done and dusted. She's very confident in her abilities, she'll never doubt herself. It gets to the point where she can get a bit cocky, which often can be her downfall, but she manages to control it now and then. Isadora is very charismatic and charming to everyone she knows, even to people she despises she will wear a big grin as she insults and spits on them. She knows how to get people wrapped around her finger, she knows exactly what to say and do to get admires. Though she has as much enemies as she does admires. She is extremely flirtatious, and it is very obvious, she doesn't hold back, no matter how weird it is to the majority of people, she will flirt and charm all the woman she sees. And sometimes she manages to catch them under her charm, and although she has more respect for woman than a man does, she does tend to eventually get bored of them and ends up leaving them. She leaves quite the trail of broken hearts. Captain Isadora is a natural born leader, she takes charge in the midst of chaos and if people listen to her, she can get them all to safety. She has perfect control over her crew due to her leadership, even her male crew respect her. She is quite skilled in her abilities, she has been a pirate for most of her life so her sword fighting and stealing skills are top notch. She of course, gets into a lot of trouble, and is pretty much always wanted in any kingdom she goes too. She is adaptable and smart. She can get pretty used to a new area, she is resourceful and can pull herself through any situation she's in. She of course loves the sea, it's where she belongs, she's drawn to the waves and wishes to spend her last days on her ship. She is a great sailor and a natural navigator, probably the best pirate in all the kingdoms combined. Isadora is a very honourable person, though it may not seem like it, she can be quite respectable to people, they of course have to earn her respect first. She is loyal to her friends and family, and would do anything for them. She's great to be around and is always there to brighten up a crap day. She's a great friend honestly. But Isadora is a pirate, so she does has a habit of getting drunk.
𝚂𝚃𝚁𝙴𝙽𝙶𝙷𝚃𝚂: Weapons, hand to hand combat, sword fights, sailing, ships, navigating, getting out of tight spots
𝚆𝙴𝙰𝙺𝙽𝙴𝚂𝚂𝙴𝚂: Booze, ladies, Betrayal, her gender, her urge to put stuck up people in her place, her loyalty

𝚂𝚃𝚁𝙴𝙽𝙶𝙷𝚃𝚂: Weapons, hand to hand combat, sword fights, sailing, ships, navigating, getting out of tight spots𝚆𝙴𝙰𝙺𝙽𝙴𝚂𝚂𝙴𝚂: Booze, ladies, Betrayal, her gender, her urge to put stuck up people in her place, her loyalty

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𝙱𝙰𝙲𝙺𝚂𝚃𝙾𝚁𝚈: Isadora was born to Martina Lopez and Oliver Jackson. Her father was just a 'simple merchant', well that's what he told people, he was actually just a lying cheating pirate with a good heart surprisingly. He tended to travel a lot. Her family wasn't the wealthiest. Her mother stayed at home looking after her and showing her how to tend to the farm. When she was nine, her mother grew sick and every day it only got worse and worse. When her father came home he knew it wasn't good, so he planned for Isadora to come with him after his wife passed. And after a few days sh did. So Oliver took Isadora to the boat, though there was one catch. She was dressed up as a boy and given a new name 'Issac', her father did this for more safety and respect. Though now that people thought she was a boy, she was given more work on the boat. And that was when her training as a young pirate began. She was thought how to navigate, tend to the sails and steer the wheel. When she was around the age of sixteen seventeen, it was obvious she wasn't a boy, but the crew didn't seem to care any more, she was as good a sailor as well as any of them. She has helped her fellow crew and captain steal, and pirate a lot of boys, as well the kingdoms navy. Though her father has now aged and was slowly getting more weak. As time passed on the boat, her father eventually passed away. Though she felt like she was finally home, she knew every inch of the boat, sea, stars and lands. At age nineteen, she decided it was time to get her own crew and ship, she rounded up some her fellow members and instead of getting a new boat, they were going to plan a mutiny. Whoops. Though the captain was good, he was cruel and greedy and needed to be replaced. So one day it began. Isadora and her crew rebelled against the captain, some got hurt other killed, in the end they won and the old captain walked off the plank. After that, Isadora knew she wanted to remain a pirate, but instead of being stuck up like the old captain, she wanted to have a bit more fun. When she was twenty three she was known everywhere, her and her crew robbed mostly every boat and kingdom there was, they probably had traveled most of the sea and islands. And she was having the time of her life. One day while she was strolling around the diamond kingdom she came into a tavern and met Traci. At first she didn't exactly know who she was, since she was always on the ocean. So she did actually try to flirt with her at one stage whoops. But as time went by they became extremely close, and Isadora would do anything for her and the other champions, she saw them as family. Although she is friends with the mentor, she is still out there on the Seas causing complete chaos.
Other: She has a habit of getting into fist fights. She's kinda wanted like everywhere, but no ones able to catch her and probably even too scared to do so. She's quite open with her sexuality, she honestly doesn't care what people think, and besides, she knows the ladies like her.

 She's quite open with her sexuality, she honestly doesn't care what people think, and besides, she knows the ladies like her

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