"She has a bigger ego than Zoro," Niko teased.

"At least she made bigger lies than you," Zora mused.

Luffy's stomach growled, and all of them looked at Urika.



Urika pulled up a chair to the booth table and looked at the three hungry pirates. Her long dark nose shifted from one direction to the other as she listened to the newcomers. "So you're looking for companions?"

"Know any musicians?" Zora questioned; mostly for the benefit of her captain. Urika shook her head at the random question. From the looks of it, they needed much more than a musicians.

"Do you know any where to get a large ship then?" The orange haired male asked as he leaned over the wooden table.

This is where Urika's knowledge came into play. She snickered and pointed at the so-called captain of these pirates. "There's only one place where you can find the stuff you want in this village, although it's not a very big ship, but not that small eit-"

Luffy interrupted her, "It's that mansion, right?" He pointed out the window to a large white mansion on top of a hill.

Urika fell out of her chair and smacked against the ground, "I was getting there. The ship belongs to the mansion's own-"

"That sick girl..." Luffy tried to pull her name out of memory, "Kayla?"

The Longnose's eyebrows came together as she stared at the captain, "I was getting to that! And it's Kaya!" She paused and tried to calm down as Luffy ordered another plate of meat, but it only hit her nerves once again, "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!"

Niko, paying attention at the chance of treasures, perked up, "If she's sick, then how come she's the owner of the mansion?"

"Inheritance. The girl's parents died about a year ago of a sickness. She was the only child, leaving her with a large inheritance, mansion, and all of the servants." Urika leaned back in her seat and folded her arms behind her head, "She's been grieving ever since. Even if you are really rich, no one is exempted from sorrow."

Niko sighed in defeat. To ask a poor girl like that would only be move a scumbag would make. "Let's forget about searching for a ship on this island, we'll go somewhere else."

"We still got time!" Luffy grinned. Merry's on this island, as was his sharpshooter, Usopp.

"You said you were looking for companions?" Urika questioned; Zora and Luffy nodded. She gave a thumb up with her blue and white armband brushed the tabletop, and gave a cocky smile, "Let me be captain, and I'll join you!"

"Nevermind," Zora and Niko denied in chorus. Luffy chuckled with his head hitting the booth cushion.

"WHAT KIND OF ATTITUDE IS THAT?!" She sighed in defeat and rested her face on the table. The clock ticked and chimed as it hit a new hour. It was exactly time for her to leave, "It's that time again." She stood up, pushing her chair in, and left the restaurant.

"That gal was in a hurry..." Niko muttered.

"Guess she finally figured out we have a captain," Zora added.

Niko narrowed his eyes at the doofball in front of him. After interrupting Urika twice, the captain stayed silent; but he could tell the rubber boy was moments away from causing a fuss if he didn't have his mouth full of food. "Do we even have a captain...?"

"Like him or not, he still has the title," Zora bellowed. He may not be her first choice, but they still joined his crew.

"Which is why I worry..."

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