Chapter 3: The Attempt

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So last time in the story, Alexia put it all together that Nick was going to try to commit suicide. Read on to find out what happens. And as you may guess, no matter if he commits suicide or not, there is suicide themes. If you are sensitive to things like this, skip the chapter and at the beginning of the next chapter, I'll write a quick summary so you'll know what's going on.

 Recap: I reached his door and tried to open it. Locked. "That's odd. He never locks his door," I thought to myself. That's when it clicked. The blank stares. The pushing around of his favorite food. The silence. The hood  covering his face the whole night. The curtsy. At that moment, I remembered what he said 5 months earlier. "I just don't think a weak person like me can take much more."

He was going to commit suicide. 

At first, I couldn't move. I was too stunned and my feet felt like they were glued to the floor. Once the intial shock started to wear off, my brain turned back on and I wasn't paralyzed anymore. I screamed Nick's name, frantically pulling at the doorknob. I heard Delanie's dainty foot steps bound up the stairs. Once she saw me, she rushed to my side, yanking my hands into hers, forcing me to look at her. Tears sprung into my eyes, escaping quite quickly from my eyes.

"NO!" I yelled, panicked. 

"Alexia...Alexia! ALEXIA!!! You have to tell me what's wrong." Del begged of me. I kept trying to tug my hands out of hers to reach the doorknob to Nick's room. She finally got the message that I couldn't talk and that I wanted to get the door open. She swiftly reached above his door and grabbed the key that I hadn't remembered in my state of hysteria. She slid the key in and turned. The door opened and I stumbled in. Delanie screamed and I looked frantically around, trying to find my brother. The last thing I remember before blacking out was my little brother, blood covering him, a razor in his hand and an empty pill bottle in the other. Even though his body looked awful, he lay there, still and silent, with a peaceful expression on his face. 


 When I eventually woke up, I was lying in my own bed. I looked all around trying to figure out what happened. I don't remember going to sleep, I thought to myself. I decided to get up and ask Nick why I was in my bed when I don't remember going to sleep. As I slowly opened the door, I peeked into the hallway to see a sobbing Delanie and some police. I was utterly alarmed and slipped into the hallway to investigate. When I was into the hallway, I could understand bits and pieces of what they were saying. 

"He...he...he was ju-..jus-..just laying there. He was covered in.....blo-..blood! He had a ra-..zor and a empty...pi-...ll bottle!!!" Delanie exclaimed in between sobs. " ....aft..te...te...ter Lexi saw him, she just blacked.....ou-..t!"

"Ma'am, please calm down. We need more information and to do that, we need to be able to understand what you are saying." said one of the policemen. The man was tall, had large hands and was a very large man. He had broad shoulders and a scruffly black beard to match his buzz-cut, black hair. He seemed almost bored, even a little annoyed. " When you found the boy, what did you do?"

Delanie tried to formulate actual words. "I...I ran over to him and started him. He just wouldn't wake up!!! I turned..around when I heard a thud and saw....Le-..xi on the ground and I... just screamed. I phone from my po-..cket dialled 911. I..was scared. Lexi just passed.....ou-..t and Nick!!" Her voice cracked here and there since she was still crying.

I tried to make sense of her words. Then, I remembered. Going upstairs. The door being locked. The realization. The pulling of the door. Delanie coming up the stairs. Delanie grabbing the key. The door swinging open. The frantic searching for my brother. The peaceful look on my brother's still face. My brother's blood covered body. The fresh and not-so-fresh scars taking up the majority of space on his skin. My brother's chest not rising and falling like it should. My dead brother.

I fell to the ground on my knees, the tears coming up immediately as well as screams. The police and Del rotated around and ran to me but nothing they said or did could help me. The memories just kept replaying and replaying in my mind and I couldn't stop them. 

Hey everybody!!! Friday update!!! Woo-hoo! Finally!

So what did you guys think about the chapter? Pretty short, I know. I'm very sorry for the short chapter and even missing an update! I've just been having a lot of health issues lately and lots of doctors appointments. 

I will hopefully post another update either Saturday or Sunday!!!

Again, sorry for the short update. I just wanted to end the chapter in the way I did. When I first wrote this chapter, I had about 650 words so I went back and added some stuff.

Hope you guys love the chapter!!! Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

Lots of love,  Lindsey

P.S.- I'm not trying to advertise suicide. That is the opposite of my intentions. If anything, I'm trying to discourage suicide. You are all beautiful and if you committed suicide, know at least one person would miss you and cry over you. Maybe you know them, maybe not. If you committed suicide and I found out, I would cry! I love all my readers and just know that we all have our bad moments. If you are feeling bad, message me! I would gladly talk about it with you and try and lift your spirits!!

P.S.S.- Song above is a song I was listening to while writing this and I thought it kinda fit the story so there's that.

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