Chapter 10 - Finally an update ahaha

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y/n POV: 

We were all out to dinner having a laugh. (You went wherever you wanted to go) I was sat next to Payton and opposite Josie. I still couldn't believe this was real, I was dating the Payton Moormeier and he had flown to surprise me for christmas like what the fuck. But like this means he's going to leave again and I don't want that to happen :(

"Hey y/n are you ok?" - Payton

"yea, I'm fine" 

"You look sad" 

"I was just thinking, you've flown here for christmas but then you're going to be leaving again and I have school. I won't have another holiday till February so I won't get to see you till then :("

Payton pulled me closer and gave a look to Josh. It signalled something I could tell. 

"hey, it's gonna be ok. We have facetime and even with the time difference it will work" Payton said and gave me a reassuring smile. I was about to ask about the look he gave Josh but we were interrupted by the waiter coming to take our order. 

(You all ordered - I cba to make up what you asked for 😂😂)

Once the waiter had gone Josh and Payton turned to Josie and I and said "we need to talk"

Oh shit, no no, they are gonna tell us they are leaving now! Has one of them found someone better? Oh fuck 

"So we are here for a week..." -Josh 

"and then we have to go to LA and stay for new years" - Payton 

I looked at Josie, both our faces dropped.

"But..." - Payton 

"you guys are coming with us. We've spoken to all your parents. They all said yes as long as we look after you guys over there which of course we will" - Josh 

"OMG Rlly" - Josie and I said in sync. 

"yes baby" - Payton

Payton pulled me into a hug, I rested my head in the crook of his neck and whispered thank you. I saw him smile slightly. 

Time skip to you guys being back home

After the meal we all decided to go back to Josie's as she had the bigger house 😂. We chilled in the Tv room watching movies all under blankets. 


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y/n.y/l/n: he came here to surprise me and fell asleep😂 I do love you @paytonmoormeier 🌷 

tagged: @paytonmoormeier @Josie.official @joshrichards

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We decided to stay the night at Josie's as it was getting late and Payton and I couldn't be bothered to take the 2 minute walk back home 😂 We made one huge bed and filled it with pillows and blankets. 

It was like 11:30 when I suddenly got hit over the head with a pillow, I turned around to see Josie laughing her head off and running to hide behind Josh. I chased her around the room and threw a pillow, it accidentally hit Payton. Oops  

"You're in for it now" - payton 

"noooooo, I'm sorry" - you

Payton ran after me but caught up eventually before grabbing my waist and throwing me over his shoulder. He spun me around and then threw me onto the couch and started tickling me. I was super ticklish and was trying to get him to stop but ended up giving up because he was too strong. 

I decided to make a tiktok (the sound above) and captioned it ☺️❤️. Just before it ended Payton came up behind me and hugged me. It was so cute. Apart from the people at school and my mum, I haven't rlly told many people about me and Payton but they can probably guess from all the posts. I just hope I don't get too much hate. (I can't remember if I'd already put that they've told people but oh well) 

After all that we put on (your favourite disney movie), none of us made it through the whole thing. After about 20 minutes of the movie we had all passed out. Josie in Josh's arms and me in Payton's. It felt so nice to be in his arms again. <3

A/N: finally an update! 

Sorry I've been super inactive, I've had so much homework and a lot of pressure seen as exams are like 3 months away. I ended up giving back my post as it was all too much but it now means I have some extra time so I should be able to update 1 maybe 2 times a week. 

Seen as it's the holiday I am going to try and update most days.

Anywaysss I broke tickets to go to the boys of summer tour so I finally get to meet Payton. I'm going to Providence, anyone else? 

Thank you all so much for 1.1K reads, never once thought that would happen on my first book. <3 

Words: 853

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