"Yeah, go ahead," I affirm, trying not to let the uneasiness I feel show. She scrunches up her forehead and eyebrows before nodding and leaving, giving me a look like I've grown three heads. 

As soon as her back turns, I frantically try to straighten up the office, trying to look the least bit presentable before Brooke comes in.

"He's in his office, just go straight back and it'll be the third door on the left," I hear Kelsey say, and all I can focus on is the fact that Brooke is going to be here any second and that I'm a mess. 

I manage to stumble quickly over to my seat before I make a fool of myself in front of Brooke, holding up the case file casually, pretending that I'm focusing on it instead of how heavy my heart is pounding. 

A small, soft knock cuts through my hearing, and I look up to see my girlfriend in all of her adorable glory. I can't help but let a smile overtake my features upon seeing her. 

"Brooke," I breathe. I clear my throat. "It's great to see you."

Do I hug her? I should let her make the first move. This is all on her terms. 

God this sucks. 

What is she going to say? Is she back to stay or is she going to tell me she's leaving?

Oh my god, what comes around truly does go around. 

Karma's a bitch, Cole. I thought you knew that by now.

She only nods as she takes a seat on the leather chair opposite where I sit at my desk. 

"I've been thinking about everything over the past month—" And a half. "—and I've realized that although I've basically been your other woman for several years now, I can't change the past and your actions. Neither can you. But I need you to be honest with me about some questions I have."

I bristle at her self-depreciation but don't comment on it. 


"I need to know. Cole or Colt?" Her smile tells me she's letting me off easy and that I can relax. 

I smile back and lean back in my seat. 

"My birth name is Colt Michael Roberts. I'll answer to either."

She gives me a flat look, and I bite my lip, thinking. I remember Josie's words. My name was picked out by my mother. 

"The first person I met up here didn't call me by my name, wouldn't pronounce the 't' at the end of it, and introduced me to all of his friends as Cole. I gave up trying to correct him, but my name is Colt."

A genuine smile graces her lips, and she nods. 

"Do they know about me?"

"Yes. I told everyone who matters about you."


"Yes, Josie knows. She was the first person I told, and she's happy for me, for us. My father called you a keeper. Tommy and SueEllen would love to meet you. Wes and Bobby, too."

She nods and gives me a tight-lipped smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes in response. I can tell that the next question she's going to throw at me is a heavy hitter because of the way she watches as she wrings her hands in her lap. 

"I have to know, Colt, are you over her?" she whispers with trepidation laced in her silent plea. She glances at me quickly before returning her gaze to her hands. Before I even get the time to formulate an answer, she continues. "Because if you aren't, I need you to tell me. I will not be a rebound, and I will not let myself cling onto the hope that you could be truly mine if you think that there's even a shred of doubt in your mind about our relationship. So please, if you love me, you'll be honest with me."

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