Chapter 1

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Ahsoka's POV

I was sitting in a bar I had a few credits In my pocket thanks to Skyguy. I ordered some form of a strong drink with alcohol in it. It has been two days since I left the order. I am drunk and kinda high. I keep having nightmares from the trial. It constantly hurts so I drink and do drugs. I was cut off by the bar tender and so I walked myself home I was living in an apartment building on one of the lower levels of Coruscant. I turned down an Alley way and then I saw someone. It was Tarkin but then I felt a pain in my chest then lights out.

Two days after Tarkin and no memory of what happened

I woke up in my room with a splitting head ache and I sat up but something was off I got up and got a beer from my fridge. I started to drink, I drank two before I was made sick I was still a little high because as I started drinking I started to take the drugs, I walked toward the kitchen but I fell and I felt like I couldn't move I needed help.

I pulled my comm out of my pocket and called Plo-Plo in hopes he could help. When he answered he said "hello this is Jedi Master Plo Koon" "Plo-Plo it's Ahsoka, I need help I can't move" "Ahsoka were are you I will come get you" he said with worry in his tone "my apartment" "ok Ahsoka keep your comm on I'm tracking you stay awake" "I'll try"

An hour later

There was a knock on the door then it opened. "Ahsoka are you in here" my voice was giving out "help Plo-Plo" "I'm here Ahsoka what's wrong are you..." He stopped I think he noticed something.

Plo's POV

I got a call from Ahsoka who was crying. At that moment I was in a council meeting I looked at Shaak and I could tell she was hurt. When the comm ended Master Yoda said "go to her you must, Help she needs, a feeling I have, medical attention she may need, bring her back you will take Masters Ti, Kenobi, and Fisto" "yes Master Yoda" we all got up and nodded and then left.

We made it to Ahsoka's apartment I told Kit to stay with the speeder. Shaak, Obi-wan, and I continued to the door and I knocked then walked in she said "help Plo-Plo" and I was in shock at the way she looked. She looked to have been not eating much and looked to be high and drunk. "I'm here little Soka I also brought Masters Ti, Kenobi, and Fisto." "No Plo-Plo just you" "Soka we need to take you to the temple for medical help" "no! I am fine just I can't move" she sobbed with fear radiating her force. "why not, we can help" "I can't I don't want there help just you" Shaak came in and said "Ahsoka sweetheart come on you need help" "No!" She yelled as tears rolled down her face. I looked at Shaak and said through the force "we can't sedate her because we don't know what drugs she has in her system if any at all" she replied "your correct but we need to get her to the temple she definitely has drugs in her system I think she may be having an issue from it I think I want to play this as an overdose see if she will come that way she probably doesn't know about that from a medical view just that it's serious" I nodded then she turned to Ahsoka walked towards her and said "Ahsoka you need to come with us I think you may be having an over dose" Ahsoka nodded then she looked at me and said "Plo-Plo" "I'm here Ahsoka" she lifted her arms up as if she was a small child wanting carried. I picked her up bridal style and She clung to my robes tightly.

We reached the speeder and I said "start the speeder up" and Kit did Shaak and Obi-wan got in first Obi-wan sat in the front next to Kit and Shaak sat in the back. After Shaak got in I said "Ahsoka I have to get in as well but to do so I am going to hand you to Master Ti ok" "no Plo-Plo" "it's ok Ahsoka I will be in after you" she nodded in understanding" Shaak took Soka from me and held her closely and Soka laid her head on Shaak's shoulder and was sobbing. Shaak started to hum a lullaby to Ahsoka and rocked her like a youngling and Ahsoka started to calm down then Shaak said "don't sleep Ahsoka you need to stay awake" you can tell she was tired and all but nodded anyway.

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