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[ note- this story is gonna contain blood, slight gore, if you don't like these things then please move on to a different story Ty! And enjoy! ]


>Ghettos POV<

It had been about three to four hours since Ghetto had taken over Sharks shift, the other had been staying up way to late at night to take over and Ghetto was tired of having Shark be half asleep all the time.

He was enjoying the silence the night had brought, the dark bluish black sky filled with small dots of light that reflected in the ocean below the boat.

Ghetto still couldn't believe it had almost been a few months since the group had left the island where Barney's cabin had been.

Barney and Jess had gone out to go and find this- goat? He didn't exactly get why Barney cared so much about a goat but he wouldn't say anything about it- everyone was attached to something.

It was quiet for a while..and it was nearing the end of Ghettos shift when suddenly a scream of terror came from within the boat.

He knew that scream.


Ghetto called out, running down the stairs and into the boat as he ran into the other two- Ak and Shark, who both looked dissolved and sleepy.

Shark was even leaning on the wall slightly so he didn't fall over and pass out.

The three started to run down to where Nicks room had been, it was a room not to far from the captains area.

Shark was the first in the room, but whatever was happening had snapped him out of his sleepy daze and now he was back against the wall of books.

"Oh no." He said as the other two shoved their way into the room.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! SHOOT IT!" Nick shouted in a panic as he was pushing and shoving the Walker off of him- sometimes even punching the rotten corpse to get it off.

"I can't get a clear shot!" Ak shouted over the chaos of the room, holding up a rainbow spray painted Pistol that had become his favorite weapon.

The Walker had now gotten Nick in a corner- knocking over books that had been on the self behind him, the Walker now clawing at his arms.

"GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!"  Nick said through his teeth- trying not to yell anymore than he already had from the shock and panic of the attack.

Who knew how many walkers there really where on this boat..how did it even get on the boat..?

"JUST TAKE THE SHOT-" Ghetto said, there was no panic in his voice, only the determination of getting his friend away from the savage undead corpse of some unfortunate soul-

"Now!" Ghetto said seeing the Walker lunge at Nicks shoulder, and a sharp cry of pain or panic came from Nick-

Ak aimed and fired, the bullet finding its home quick and burying itself into the walkers head. Crimson red blood splatting all over the wall behind it.

It took a moment for everyone to regain their hearing and shake off the ringing in their ears. As shooting a gun in a small enclosed space was not the best of ideas...

When Ghettos hearing had come back though- the first thing he could hear was Nick muttering something and hovering his hand over some type of injury.

"No...no no no no no no."

Nick muttered as his eyes became watery.

Ghetto went right to his side. "What's wrong?" He said, reaching a hand out but Nick shrunk away.


Ghetto froze when he saw the blood flowing heavily from his shoulder.

Ak looked at the blood. "Oh gosh. Look"

A large chunk of Nicks shoulder had been slightly ripped up and out. The detached flesh still attached by a little bit but looked like it would fall off at any moment.

"I've been bitten...I'm through man..I'm done-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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