I breathed a sigh of relief. I could save Deku. I could see him again. I could tell him how sorry I was.

"Thank you, Sir."

The rest of the week, I stayed in hospital. It was extremely uneventful, and I was bored and anxious, waiting for news about the plan to save Deku.


I looked up from the small piece of paper I had in my hand. I quickly tucked it away, blushing furiously.

"Kirishima!" I exclaimed in happiness. Kirishima crossed over toward me and sat on the edge of my bed.

"What have I done to earn such a visit?" I asked.

Kirishima shifted, wincing from his injury. I stared at his bandaged side and my eyebrows creased in concern.

"Are you okay, Kirishima?" I asked. He nodded.

"Then what is it?"

"I-I-I," Kirishima stuttered, blushing. I raised my eyebrow.

"Spit it out," I laughed after a few moments of watching him struggle. He flushed as red as his hair and burst out,

"How do I impress Mina?"

My mouth fell open. Kirishima wanted to impress Mina?! I giggled with excitement. I'd waited ages for this. Kirishima averted his eyes bashfully and gripped his side. 

"I'd be happy to tell you," I said, slyly. He immediately brightened up.


"Of course! Now," I explained, "Mina loves romantic gestures. Roses, chocolates, sentimentality asking her on a date.......everything. Romance her well, impress her well, and kiss her well and you'll be all set."

Kirishima blushed again.


"Yeah," I said, rolling my eyes be because this was obvious, even though it really wasn't, "Girls love kissing."

"R-really?" Kirishima stammered, an extremely confused expression on his face. I giggled.

"Yeah. There you are, greatest secret of women unleashed: Kiss her, and she'll be happy."

Kirishima opened his mouth, but was cut off by a curt,


Kirishima whipped around and I peered over his shoulder.

"Mr Aizawa."

This meant news. Kirishima must have realised this too, because he sent me a grateful smile and left the room without a word. 

"Yes, Sir?"

"There is a plan," he said, "and we're going to take action tomorrow morning. Be ready."

I nodded shortly, feeling something worm into my stomach. Maybe fear? No. I felt more like......exhilaration.

I was going to save Deku. And nothing was going to stop me.


I staggered to the meeting spot. All things considered, the heroes had moved quickly.

Several heroes stood around, quietly talking. Someone came up behind me and clapped a hand on my shoulder.

"Ochaco Uraraka, was it?"

I turned to find Thirteen right behind me. I was surprised.

"T-Thirteen?!" I said, trying not to squeal in excitement. The Black Hole Hero nodded toward me,

"I heard you were very eager to save this young man," she observed. I blushed.

"Um, yes," I muttered. Thirteen chuckled.

"I'm proud of your efforts you dear. Keep it up!"

She gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up and left to talk to another hero.

I shivered and held onto myself tightly. I was a little scared, but the night was cold. There was a snapping chill in the air.

"Uraraka," Mr Aizawa said. I looked into his haunting eyes as he lifted a finger and finished, "Don't do anything stupid. I won't be responsible if you die."

I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat. I recognised the truth of his warning. It wouldn't be his fault, or responsibility. As of this moment, I wasn't his student. I was another hero, like the rest of the people around me.

"Alright," Mr Aizawa said. The heroes gathered around, listening intently.

"Through Hound's investigation-" Mr Aizawa gestured to the dog hero, "- we were able to track Midoriya down. Now, the villains will not easily give him up. We need to be quiet, fast and efficient. Any questions?"

A silence stretched for several long moments before Mr Aizawa said,

"Alright. Positions."

The heroes dispersed, and I found myself with Thirteen and another hero named Above, who had a quirk much like mine.

"Has anyone told you the plan?" Above asked. I shook my head.

"Well, our squad is the support group. We will engage in battle if something goes seriously wrong, otherwise, we will stay in the dark," he explained. I nodded gravely.

"So, we'll leave the fighting to the others?"

Above gave me a thumbs up and patted my head.

"You're a smart one. You'll be a great hero yet."

In a Hero's Arms {Completed} | Deku x OchacoWhere stories live. Discover now