I choked.

"I'm fine."

"You're clearly not," she observed, coming towards me, "It's okay, I'm worried about Ochaco as well. That's why I'm here. I want to help you get her back."

I nodded.

Abruptly, Mina reached out and hugged me. My eyes widened. I barely knew this girl, but here she was comforting me with a hug. Awkwardly, I have a light hug back. Todoroki cleared his throat. We broke away and she laughed.

"So...what's the plan?"

I shifted toward the small whiteboard.

"Well," I started, "we only have three people. I don't think anyone else will join, so we'll have to make do with our three quirks. But they're all pretty strong, so I think we can-"

"No. Five now."

Mina, Todoroki and I whipped around.

Kirishima and Kacchan stood in the door way, determined expressions on their faces.

"K-Kacchan!" I cried, "Why are you helping?!"

Kacchan rolled his eyes.


"She's not my girlfriend!" I protested. The room was silent, and all of them raised their eyebrows at me. I blushed.

"We're not," I muttered.

"Anyway, Midoriya," Kirishima said, "We're here to help, so put our quirks into the mix."

I nodded.

"Alright, this is the plan. We already know where they've gone with her and,-"

"WHAT?!" Mina yelled, "How do you know already?!"

I exchanged glances with Todoroki.

"Because," I said, slowly, "They want us to know because Ochaco is bait."

They gaped at me. Todoroki nodded silently.

"Why?" Kirishima asked. I took a deep breath in.

"Because Ochaco is my closest friend. And...Shigaraki said last time I had a one on one account with him, that he had plans. Why else would they take Ochaco? Who else would they want?"

I exhaled shakily.

"But," Kacchan growled, "if you know their target, send others to save your girlfriend."

I shook my head.

"They want me. And I'm prepared to offer myself to them in exchange for Ocha- I mean, Uraraka."

The group was silent.

"But," I said, "I said I was prepared to do so. Hopefully, I'll offer myself up and we can exchange. Then, you guys can save me when their guard is down."

"So you're saying," Kirishima said, cautiously, "that you are going in alone, exchanging yourself for Uraraka and then that's were we burst in, when they're least expecting it, and escape?"

"Pretty much," I said, shrugging. They all stared back at me, dumbfounded. Then Mina squealed,


I put my face in my hands.

"You have to admit," Todoroki said, "it is a little far fetched, with a lot of risks."

I nodded.

"I know," I mumbled, "but I don't see any other way."

"So, um," Kirishima muttered, "Where are they hiding her?"

"The same place that held Kacchan captive."

I heard Kacchan snorted with laughter.

"So original."

I shrugged.

"As I said, they want me to find them."

"Alright, O great mastermind," Mina grinned, "when do we strike?"


Hey guys,
Sorry that was short. I'll try to do better next chapter. Hope you're enjoying this. In all honesty, I don't know what to write half the time. Thanks for reading anyways. :)

Mika xoxo

In a Hero's Arms {Completed} | Deku x OchacoWhere stories live. Discover now