Chapter 6- Beach Day

Start from the beginning

"What's that look about?" Luke asked, deep dimples appearing in his sun kissed cheeks.

"I hate the feeling on my skin."

"You're probably not rubbing it in enough," He said coming to stand next to me. He put a hand carefully on my arm, then started to rub the sunscreen in with circular motions. His chest was pressed against my back, and his breath tickled the top of my head.

I heard a click and jumped away.

"What was that?" I asked, my eyes roaming the sandy beach.

Luke smiled.

"I was helping you with your sunscreen," he said, reaching for a spot on my arm where the white was still clearly visible. I pulled away.

"No. The noise. Did you hear the noise?"

Luke shrugged.

"You're the only one who heard it."

I sighed.

I looked out at the shimmering water. I felt a need to plunge into the deep salty waves. I looked back to Luke, then made a beeline for the water. My sprint was short lived because the moment the water reached my ankles, moving became much harder.

Luke had caught up to me.

He grabbed a handful of water, then threw it at me, drenching my hair.

"Not... Cool!" I said between mouthfuls of salt water.

The water was warm, and the sand shifted beneath my feet.

I kept slipping, nearly falling in. My shirt clung to my skin, rubbing the gritty sand against it. I was still having a blast.

Old men and women walked by, sending Luke and I funny looks. We probably looked very immature to them. That didn't stop us though.

I walked back to the sand, sitting on one of our towels.

Luke followed shortly thereafter.

"May I join you?" He asked, sitting on his own towel.

I laughed at the irony of the question.

"Nope. I'm saving this seat for Ashley."

For a second Luke got wide eyed.

"I'm just kidding," I said, leaning back.

Luke seemed to relax a bit.

"So how are you two friends?" Luke asked, brushing sand off of his towel.

"Why do you ask?"

Luke laughed like it was obvious.

"She's terribly rude. And loud. You two prove opposites attract."

I huffed out a breath.

"We weren't always friends. In fact, at one point we hated each other. How about you? Friends?"

Luke laughed.

"I don't have any."

My stomach dropped and I felt instantly horrible for bringing it up.

Then he shoved my shoulder.

"I was kidding. I was just kidding."

I sighed.

"You really had me for a minute there."

Luke smiled, laying down on the towel, his arms crossed over his chest in thought.

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