Yeah. This was how I daydreamed for the duration of our class time.

"Deku," Uraraka said next to me. I nearly jumped out of my skin. How did I not notice her? I quickly recovered and sent a smile her way.


"Your quirk.....what is your body's limit?"

I gave her a look of confusion, then replaced by thought. Should I tell her or......

"I control my quirk by percentages, I guess. At the moment, I only really go to 5% bec-" I stopped myself. I shouldn't tell her why. That would lead to more questions that I couldn't really answer. One For All was a secret, after all. Only All Might, myself, and Kacchan knew about it. And we all swore we wouldn't tell a soul.

I glanced back at Uraraka. Her eyebrow was raised, but she, thankfully, didn't say anything. Hopefully she hadn't noticed my slip up. But I had a terrible feeling she had, and that she also had the general courtesy not to invade my privacy. I loved her for it.

Todoroki passed by us on his ice, glancing at me with knowing eyes. Urgh. Since when did he play match maker?

A while later, Uraraka and I were on top of the Stone Wall, this kind of rock tower or something. It was the biggest in the training arena.

We were practicing alongside Kacchan and Kirishima, and Kacchan had taken a fancy to exploding parts of the rock formation to our left and throwing it at Kirishima. Kirishima would proceed to dart forward and use his hardening to smash the rock apart. It was an interesting form of training, but whatever works for them, I guess.

Uraraka was watching them. I kept going, but after a few minutes she looked at me with an expression that meant, by what I could gather, that she had an idea.

"Deku?" She asked. I turned to her, wondering what was up.


"I was thinking - do you want to try a different format?"

I tried not to blanch. I was pretty sure I knew what she had in mind.

"S-sure," I said, trying not to stutter, "what is it?"

She grinned and walked over to a couple of the debris from Kacchan and Kirishima. Touching several of them, I watched as they floated up into the air. She beckoned at me with her hand.

"Come at me."

Oh man, I really didn't want to hurt her. If I was careful, I think we could do this. One For All coursed though my body, and I launched myself forward.

Uraraka grinned, placing her fingertips together. All of the debris came raining down on me. I jumped up and smashed a particularly big one with my heel before smacking the other ones away.

I risked myself a glance in Kacchan and Kirishima's direction and saw Kacchan flying around and exploding pieces I sent that way. Kirishima was hardened completely, dodging the debris and doing some karate chopping thing.

And that's how the next half an hour went. Uraraka released rocks, I smashed them out of the way and Kacchan and Kirishima would do likewise.

Uraraka touched her fingertips to a rock at least two metres across. I felt a jolt of worry pass through me before pushing it away. We'd been doing this for ages, everything was going to be fine.

As I cracked it in two, Kacchan darted forward and sent a huge piece of rock flying from his explosion. I watched as it went straight for Uraraka.

"Uraraka-" I yelled, trying to warn her, but it was too late. The huge stone smacked into her head. Her eyes rolled back and she started to fall. I activated One For All and just managed to catch her.

I stared down at her bleeding forhead and whipped around.

"Sensei!" I bellowed, but Mr Aizawa was already by my side. He glared at me.

"Get her to Recovery Girl. Now."

I nodded vigorously, positioning my arms around her shoulders and under her knees. Jumping carefully down from the Stone Wall, I cursed myself. Why had I let her do that? What was worse, why did I do that? She wouldn't have gotten hurt that way.

The class gathered around me as I rushed out of the training area. This wasn't fast enough. Grunting in frustration, I used One For All again. I needed to get her to the infirmary fast.

Bursting into Recovery Girl's office, I called for the healer.

"Recovery Girl!"

The little old lady appeared around a corner.

"Midoriya-" she started crossly, but gasped when she saw who I had in my arms and the blood that was dripping onto the floor.

"Put her on the bed, quickly," she ordered, hurrying over as I gently lay Uraraka down.

"What happened?"

"Training accident," I said, "can you help her?"

"Oh I can help her," Recovery Girl said with a kind smile, "just relax. Sit."

It was one of the most difficult things I'd ever had to do in my life. Sitting still while Recovery Girl went behind the curtain, it was torture. I didn't know if she was okay or not. Or-

"You're so lucky, Midoriya," Recovery Girl said, coming out, "It's not fatal. But it's not pleasant either. I need to go and get some tools. If she wakes up, please calm her. We can't have her in hysterics."

As she left the room, I quietly stood and slipped behind the curtain. I didn't want to wake her.

Uraraka's head looked terrible. I could see the blood stain on the bandage, and it made me want to cry. I was so, so stupid. How on earth would I make it up to her?

I sat in the chair beside her, slouching miserably. If only I had been more careful. I hated it when the people I cared about were hurt. This was worse because it was my fault.

I don't know why, but I reached out and took Uraraka's hand, giving it a light squeeze. I was amazed. I know this is going to sound cheesy, but her in mine perfectly. I was like our hands were made for each other. It was soft, and warm. Damn it, I could stand to hold this hand for the next millenia.

"D-Deku!" Uraraka cried. I jumped.

"U-Uraraka," I said, keeping a calm voice, "It's okay, nothing is going-"

"I-it hurts!" She choked, reaching up to her bandage, "make it stop. It hurts, it hurts, it-"

I took a deep breath in. I just needed
to calm her down. Her reaction was probably due to a mixture of shock, confusion and pain.

"Uraraka," I whispered, gently, "it'll be okay. Don't panic, I'm here. It'll be fixed, Recovery Girl is coming back soon."

"My head," she sobbed, "I- I can't remember what happened."

"Uraraka, listen to me," I said, "It's alright. You have me. Everything will be okay."

This is how the next ten minutes went. Uraraka was in hysterics, and I tried my best to calm her. By the end  she fell back on the pillows, completely silent. I felt so worthless, and terrible. The amount of pain she was in must be excruciating.

"Uraraka," I asked, "are you okay?"

Stupid. Of course she's not okay!

Uraraka turned her head to me and smiled faintly.

"I'm alright, Deku. Just...just keep holding my hand. I'll be fine."

I took her hand and held onto it until Recovery Girl came in.

"You may go, Midoriya," she said. I wrinkled my eyebrows in concern and opened my mouth to say something, but Recovery Girl cut me off.

"I will send for you when I am done and she is strong enough to see someone. Until then, leave it to me."

I nodded, knowing there was nothing more I could do, and left the room.

In a Hero's Arms {Completed} | Deku x OchacoМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя