Getting the girls

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This part was inspired by the song Clarity by Zedd and In the Name of Love by Bebe Rexha and Martin Garrix now onto the story.
I went to get my roommate Jennavieve at her work Dolton fashion industries she works as a fashion designer and her model luckily is one of my other best friends Elizabeth and so I go in to be greeted by the lady in the front, Mrs. Dolton.
"Hello Belle how are you.?" Mrs. Dolton asked. "Im fine how is Eren?" I asked. "Oh he's fine I just wish my poor baby boy wouldn't push himself too much." She replied. "Well is it ok if I go see him?" I asked. "Oh sure dear." "Honey you have a guest." She said over her phone. I then heard a mumbled response. "You can go up dear." She said. "Thank you." I thanked while bowing. I then got up and headed to the fifth floor.
                   I've known the Dolton's for a very long time and I would never say or admit it but I kind of have a crush on Eren. It's just he's so sweet, strong, loving, tall, smart, handsome, etc.,everything I would want in a guy. So I quickly got professional and when the elevator buzzed for the fifth floor I walked off professionally and headed to Eren's office.
                   Once I got there I knocked. A few seconds later I heard a faint muffled sound of 'come in' so I went in. "Hello Mr. Dolton." I greeted. "Ugh, Belle I told you not to call me that you know how I hate formalities." He said in a cute way. "I know, I know but it's funny to mess with you." I said. "Well I just hoped you would have stopped by now." He said in a little kids voice. "You know for being two years older than me you still act like a child." I said to him laughing . "Well what is it that you came here for? You know you should really be doing your job and I have to get back to mine." He said once I calmed down. "Well I just wanted to hang out with my friends and go to the mall." I said trying to to have him question me more while I try and hold in my excitement. "Oh is that all? there is no other special reason as to why you would be dressed in such a beautiful outfit?" He asked trying to make me break. I will not break, I will not bre- ok I give up. "Ok ok I give you always win at this game." I said. "Stop getting off topic what is it I want to know." He pushed. "Ok so I get to do a song from THE HAMILTON LIKE OH MY GOD YAY!!!" I yelled getting over enthusiastic about this. "Really well that is big do you know what song you're doing?" He asked. "Of course me being me my song will be congratulations even though it has no scene I like it." I answered. "Wow well since this is big news I will let you and your friends go but you have to let me watch some of your practices if you get a part." He said making me flushed a rosy pink color. "Oh.. umm... ok.. wait yes... yes you can." I stuttered out. "Ok then have a nice day." He said letting me go. "Yup thanks bye." I said leaving and heading to the elevator.
              Once with my friends. "OH MY GOD REALLY!?!" "NO WAY!?!" They screamed getting people's attention towards us. "Um... yes but... please calm down... I'm still a movie star... I don't like the attention." I said quietly and stuttering. "Oh come on Isa you are with people everyday." Elli said. Elli is what I call her, but her real name is Elizabeth. "I know Elli but I can't deal with people I haven't met it makes me shy and uncomfortable." I said without the stutter but still quietly. "Ok ok now let's go." Jen said. "Ok." Elli and I said at the same time.
And so we headed back down stairs said goodbye to Mrs. Dolton and into my limo to head of to get our last two friends. We first went to get, Sakura Dolton Eren's sister, she is one year younger than all of us and works as a figure skater for the Japan team. She is really good but that's not the point she usually skates at kori no Shiro or ice castle so that is where we are headed.
                 "Ok so you guys wait here don't worry my guards will protect you. And I have a disguise so no one will know it's me." I told my friends, who a little while  ago asked how I would go in. "Ok then but stay safe your our friend." Elli said. "I know now just let me get Sakura so we can get Aurora." I said. "Ok bye see you soon." Said Jen wow she must really want to go to the mall.
With that said I headed in Ice Castle to get Sakura. "Hello Miss. what can I do for you today?" The lady at the front asked. "Oh I would like to speak to the owner/manager about something." I answered. "Ok just go past the ice rink to the right and on your right you'll see a door that says manager." The lady said. "Ok thank you so much."
                   So off I went to go talk to Mr. Dolton, Sakura and Eren's dad. Once I got there I knocked. I heard a low 'come in'. "Hello Mr. Dolton." I said. "Oh Isa hello how are you." He asked. Once again I explained what has happened and what I want. "Wow congratulations. Yes I'll let Sakura go with you." He said. "Thank you so much sir." I said. "No problem now you get Sakura and go have fun." He said. "Bye Mr. Dolton." I said leaving his room.
                "SAKURA!!!" I screamed trying to get her attention. Which it did I could tell because she quickly snapped her head in my direction. "Isabelle? Oh my god belle wow!" She screamed heading over in my direction. "How are you? What are you doing here?" She asked. And so once again I explained everything. "Well then let's go." She rushed me pulling me out to my limo.
            Once we get to my limo Sakura joins in Jen and Elli's conversation. "Ok last stop is Aurora at her studio." I said. "Yay then the mall!" My friends cheered giggling. They then started talking about boys.
"Hey belle didn't you have a boyfriend once.?" Elli said. "Oh... um... oh look we're here I better go get Aurora." I rushed heading inside. I had a boyfriend once it didn't work out he was t the right one he did stuff I haven't told my friends because it was when I was a sophomore in high school, but I guess I'll tell them all when I get back.
~timeskip~ after Marisabelle got Aurora explained everything and got back to the car.
             "Ok what's with avoiding the question earlier?" Jen asked. "What question?" Aurora countered. "Um well ok the question was if I had a boyfriend and I have." I said answering both questions. "Ok well what happened it's sounds like it was past tense." Sakura said. "Well it was past tense it happened in sophomore year of high school, and he did stuff I don't like to remember." I said.
            "Then it's fine you don't have too tell us." They said. "Well I do think I should get it off my chest." I said reassuring them it was ok.
~flashback/her telling her friends~
            "Belle!" My boyfriend-

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha cliffhanger. Thank you thank you this was hilarious to stop at let's see how many people will read and wait me being bad at writing and all but still I hope you like it so far. Happy belated Valentine's Day.

Marisabelle Jane CassidyWhere stories live. Discover now