Chapter One

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It was about midnight as I finally exited from my company's building after a long and brutal day of hard never ending work. I zipped up my black leather jacket as soon as I got outside. It was a bit chilly and rainy but it's nothing that I couldn't handle. Since I was the last employee to leave the building, I had to lock up the doors before heading home to my apartment. As I began walking further down the street, the sounds from the city began to fade away. Usually, I would be driving myself home from work but unfortunately, my car has been in the shop getting fixed for the past two weeks so now I have to walk home since I had no other kind of transport to take.

As I was in deep thought, I didn't realize how silent my surroundings were as I kept on walking home to get to my apartment until I heard a loud noise that was coming from ahead of me, making me jump in fear. It almost sounded like a gun shot. All of a sudden, I felt like my limbs went completely numb, too afraid to keep on walking but this was the only way for me to get home by foot. I knew it was a gigantic risk to take, but I took a deep breath as I began to slowly walk forward, getting closer to where the sound of the gunshot came from. The closer I got, the more I could feel my heart beat increase in speed. As I approached to the corner, I took a small peak as I saw what it appears to be seven men in an alley way. I could sort of make out what they were whispering about. Before I could focus on their conversation, four of the men stepped at of the way and what I saw was absolutely horrific.

I could feel myself growing pale white as I saw a body of a dead man with multiple gun shot wounds in his upper torso as his blood began to slowly drain out of his body, slowly flowing down through the alley way. But suddenly, the four man returned as they began cleaning up the blood while two other men brought out a body bag and flopped the dead body in it while the one man in the dark black suit watches them clean up. Before I knew it, a gasp escaped my mouth as they threw the body bag in the dumpster, making them turn their attention on me. I gulped in nervousness as I began to slowly back away as they began to walk towards me, getting closer by each step. Before I knew what was happening, two of the men walked up behind me and grabbed both of my arms, making me kick and scream in dismay until one of them stuffed a leather black glove in my mouth. I kept on trying to struggle from their grip until they forced me to stop by holding me even tighter to the point where it began to hurt.

I tried my hardest to avoid any eye contact with any of the men when the five other men approached me, some having smirks on their faces, while some of them looked displeased of my presence until one suddenly lifted my chin up with his hand, forcing me to look into his dark brown eyes, like he was examining my eyes with his. But, he had an unreadable expression on his face so I couldn't tell what he's thinking or feeling. I couldn't help but blush as I realized how handsome he was, how handsome they were all were. No! What the hell are you thinking Moon Sun! They are criminals! Attractive criminals....okay stop it right now Moon Sun! Your life could be in danger and you are thinking how attractive they are?! Get a grip already!

"Shit! What are we going to do boss?! She saw us! We have to get rid of her!" One of the men on his right expressed anxiously while the man currently holding my chin in his hand kept on looking at me intensely, making me gulp in fright of not knowing on what he might do to me. I'm guessing he was their boss...

"Calm down Minhyuk! I reassure you, there's no need to panic. Perhaps we could put her to good use." The man playfully smirked at me as began to gently trace his index finger up and down on the side of my cheek, making me want to smack the damn smirk off of his face. Before I realized it, he began to trace his thumb over my lips, making me feel unsettled as I tried to bite it, which ended me up getting smacked on the head as the man adjusted his buttons on his suit as he stood up, looking down at me in a displeased manner.

"Ain't she a feisty one boss?" One of the two men who were holding me back chuckles, making me turn my head to the side as I scowled at them both before spitting on their shoes. Both of them looked at me with dark eyes before letting out a deep but seductive growl as they shoved me into their boss' body, making me gulp in fear  as I tried my best to make any eye contact with him. But, he had other plans.

"Changkyun! Jooheon! Go grab me some rope so I can tie our little feisty friend here so we can finally leave this dump." He said with an evil smirk on his face as he licked his lips slowly as he looked up and down at me, making me even more flustered than I already was. But I had to mentally slap myself again for getting flustered over some criminals. Before I knew what was happening, their boss began tying the rope around my ankles, my wrists, and around my mouth so I wouldn't be able to speak or scream. Just great.

"Sir, do you really think it's a good idea that we bring her back with us? I think it's best if we get rid of her. She could become trouble for us." One of his man whispered into his boss' ear, but it wasn't quiet enough because I could hear it. My eyes widen in fear as I struggled harshly against the ropes as tears began to fill my eyes, feeling absolutely terrified for my own life.

"Oh come on Wonho. Lighten up a little! How can someone gorgeous like her cause us trouble? She looks like an innocent kitten." The boss said as he gently pinched my cheeks together, making me slightly glare at him before he let go.

"I'm just saying Shownu. Appearances can be deceiving." Wonho said as he quirked an eyebrow at me, making me turn my head to the side, trying my best to avoid any kind of eye contact with him. I don't know why, but Wonho seems very intimidating. But now, now I know their boss' name. Shownu. I kept repeating his name in my head like it's a recorder.

"Hmm I suppose you have a point. But, for the mean time Wonho, we will take her back with us and keep her under surveillance. And if she tries to escape or tries to expose us, I will take care of her." Shownu said sternly as he looked at me with a stern look on his face. Before I could scream against the ropes that were tied tightly around my mouth, I felt my head getting hit from the back as my vision began to get blurry as I collapsed onto the icy cold ground. Before the darkness overtook my vision, I saw Shownu's black shoes right in front of my vision, bending down so he could whisper something into my ear.

"You better be a good kitten for us miss...Moon Sun isn't it? We wouldn't want anything bad happening to you do we? And a piece of advice for you, don't try to escape or don't try anything foolish or you will end up dead."

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