As I continue to walk I see Groudon and his Girlfriend Kyogre next to him. Both walked up to me with a concerned look.

Groudon: "Hey (Y/N), you got a second?" he asked.

(Y/N): "Sure what's up?" I ask 

Kyogre: "Well first thing, are you doing ok? You looked a bit down." she said.

(Y/N): "I'm doing ok, just a little tired, I had a late-night," I say. half of that was true as I was tired but I was still down from what happened yesterday. "What's the second thing?" I ask.

Groudon: "You might want to be careful today," he said.

This confused me a bit as to the fact that why I should be careful today

(Y/N): "Why? what's the problem" I ask with curiosity.

Kyogre: "Well, the other day we walking around the hall and we heard Dialga talking about something about..." she hesitated to say the last bit.

(Y/N): "Talking about what?"

Groudon: "He was saying that he was going to find you today and beat the shit out of you to where you could not move" 

This had shocked me mainly because, why would he do that and seconded, he could injure me pretty badly even if I'm the second strongest one here in the Hall of Origins.

(Y/N): "I will keep my guard up, thanks for letting me know"

Kyogre: "Your welcome," she said with a cheerful smile.

They both walked away as I continued my way to the kitchen when suddenly I heard someone call out my name. 

???: "(Y/N)!!!" he yelled out clearly pissed

I turn around to see nonother than Dialga. He held a blue sword in his hand gripping it tightly staring at me with pure rage.

Dialga: "Why? WHY DID SHE CHOOSE YOU OVER ME YOU BICH?!" he yelled out words me.

This made me question what he was talking about. 

Maybe Lady Arceus rejected his confession, maybe there is still hope. 

I was too caught up with my thoughts that I didn't even notice that Dialga charging at me with his sword amind right for my chest!

I snapped Out of my thoughts just in time to dodge his attack

(Y/N): "(A/N)" I say as I used it on him

Dialga then doge my attack and rammed himself into me knocking me down to the ground. As I feel down I look up at Dialga who had his sword above his head ready to swing it at me.

Dialga: "Ready for some payback!" he yelled out.

I closed my eyes as he began to swing his sword right on top of me when it suddenly stopped. I open my eyes as I see the blade an inch away from my head with a purple aura around it.

Dialga: "What the hell!" he said

I turn my head to see Lady Arceus with her Psychic plate out.

Arceus: "Dialga what are you doing!!" she yelled at Dialga.

Dialga was speechless. The next thing I notice is Dialga's blue blade was thrown out of his hands. At the same time a rift opened up behind Dialga and he was pushed through by the psychic power Lady Arceus was using.

After the rift had closed up, Lady Arceus ran to me and kneeled down and hugged me.

Arceus: "Are you alright?" with a concerned and fearful look on her face.

(Y/N): "Yes I'm ok Lady Arceus, thank you for that," I say with gratitude.

Arceus: "Your welcome (Y/N)"

Lady Arceus let go of me as we both started to get up. I was thinking about what I would say to her when I blurted something out.

(Y/N): "Hey Arceus, would you like to hang out later today?" I say.

Why did I just say that

Arceus: "Sure thing (Y/N), it's a date," she said with a cheerful voice.

I blush when she said that it was a date

(Y/N): "Alright, is it ok for me to see you at 8 pm?" I ask.

Arceus: "Sure thing, see you there then, bye" as she started to walk away.

(Y/N): "See you there," I say to her.


Well, ther is chapter two for you. I hope you enjoyed it and I would like some feed back in the comments section if you don't. Please and thank you. Have a good day.

Male legendary pokemon reader x fem Arceus (pokemon are humanoid looking)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ