Chapter 2 ~ Memories

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"This is quite the journal," The doctor said as she looked through the journal. "I'll look through this, and call if we need to proceed."

"Thank you," Thelma said with a nod and a smile. "He thinks this was just about his headaches."

It had been five years since the Dowager Empress of Russia had died. Of course, as time moved, the family grew, and with that power. The Australis Empire or the Empire of the Southern Isles was formed. In truth, the government had been unstable since the death of Queen Emmeline. The ideal split from Great Britain had its time under her rule Australia thrived, becoming a great and mighty nation. With links and tied to Imperial Russia, Israel, and of course the Patria, Great Britain. However, after the Queen's death, the former states fell apart. With poor judgment and advice, King James decided to use his power of influence on uniting the country with New Zealand. Unfortunately, without the support of New Zealand, the King decided to go to war, swiftly the unmatched navy powers of Australia took control. Before the world knew what had happened, an Empire was formed. With massive resistance, Papua New Guinea was also caught in the storm and became the third 'nation-state'. Institutionally it was a secular state, with no set state religion. Yet, constitutionally it was the law that the monarch must believe in a higher power of some kind and that if married, the ruling authority must be 'equally yoked' in religious beliefs or the lack of. Three languages had to be learnt by all citizens; English, Maori, and Tok Pisin. All that being said, a genuine problem had taken hold within the Imperial Family.

"Ma'am, everything you have told me, indicates there is a problem. You have done the right thing today." Those words had echoed in her mind. This would be a battle that was hushed and kept out of any news column. No one would know that the Emperor was sick. Over the years, Thelma began to guide her husband.

Sitting across from the Russian Empress, Thelma told her cousin-in-law. "I know I am privileged to be married to the King and Emperor."

"Given the new developments, we must get accurate records," Tatiana replied, taking a cup of tea. "Now, in regards to Robert, perhaps the encouragement of his pursuit of a wife would go a long way."

"What are you suggesting getting a shidduch?" Thelma replied.

The Empress shifted in her chair, she fancied herself to be a matchmaker. "Give him time, I will look into the matter." If anyone could find a match, it would be her. "Now, I say we enjoy your state visit."

"Yes, we should." Thelma's smile lit up her face.

That evening as she dressed and got ready, she looked to see the King staring into the mirror. Sitting next to her husband, Thelma put her arm around James. "A penny for your thoughts?"

James looked down, "There is something wrong with me, Thelma. My mind doesn't seem so clear."

"I know, but you are very important," Thelma replied as looked into his eyes. "In sickness and health, I'm here. We can get through this. Just pretend that everything is fine."

It was a bold suggestion, but it was one that would get them through. It wasn't the first moment that James had realised that something was wrong. Of course, this masquerade went well as usual, with a mix of charm and misdirection from Thelma, the world remained none the wiser.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Prince Robert was on duty. The Swiss Embassy was holding a party to commemorate the Swiss National Day. Among the guests was a beautiful young woman, Charlotte Chastel.


Charlotte, the cousin of the Swiss Ambassador's only daughter, was born in Geneva, Switzerland to a very wealthy were family she was fortunate to be given a good education. Learning English as an adult, she travelled to Australis. It was here that the young lady met the handsome young crown prince.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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