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Imagine: Dating Billy would include

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Imagine: Dating Billy would include.............

-Him being protective over you

-He would throw hands with any guy who tries to harm you

-One time at a party, one guy walked past behind you and slapped your butt really hard

-"Nice ass, sweetheart! Let me get some of that"

-Billy saw this and guess what? He beat the fuck outta him

-"Don't fucking touch my girl!"

-You inviting him over to your house overnight whenever he and Neil get into a fight

-You hate Neil as much as Billy does because of the way he abuses him terribly

- Billy comes to your house in tears because of him

-He doesn't apologize for crying in front of you because he knows you would never get on his case, make fun of him or call him weak for it

-You could never do that because you love him and you know that having emotions doesn't make one weak, it makes them human

-Him showing his soft side to you more than he shows it to anyone else

-"Hey princess, what's wrong?"

-He wraps his arms around you in embrace

-"I'll always be here when you need me"

-Whenever y'all are walking and it's cold outside, he gives you his leather jacket to wear to keep you warm

-He be comforting you get scared of thunderstorms

-You slightly tease him for being a "big softie" and you love that about him

-He rolls his eyes and says, "Yeah yeah, drop it" he then chuckles

-The amount of physical intimacy y'all have

-He's rough and you LOVE IT

-Y'all either do it in his car

-At his house when everyone in there is gone

-Or either at your house when everyone isn't present

-You love these moments with him

-It's just you and him in the moment

-No one else or nothing else matters

-But your personal favorite is when he's going slow and soft and looking into your eyes, smiling

-"I love you, (Y/N)" He says to you before he softly kisses you

-Lots of PDA from him

-He really doesn't give a damn if people are looking

-He grabs your butt when your walking with him

-Makes out with you in the hallways or outside in public sometimes 

-Walks down the hallways with his arm around your waste

-Because fuck everyone else that's why!

-You and Max having a close big sister/little sister relationship

-Him complimenting you regularly 

-Even if you look a hot mess

-Him not being afraid of telling you he loves you in public

-As mentioned before, he doesn't give a damn what people have to say or think about it

-You're one of the most important people in his life after all

-Having to deal with other girls being rude and nasty to you over him

-They have crushes on him and are just hating because they wish he was theirs

-But he would never go for them

-They don't seem like his type anyways

-Admiring his open shirt showing his chest

-You think it's the sexiest thing ever on a guy

-Well, You don't think any other guy could pull off better than Billy in your eyes

-He feels safe when he's around you

-He'll be dominate ASF

-He can't see himself being a bottom

-He'll always see himself as a top 

-You playing with his hair and always styling it 

-It annoys him 

-You think it's adorable that he gets annoyed by it

-You pulled his hair back into a ponytail and thinks he looks hot with it

-He literally love the hell out of you and can't see you out of his life 

-You're his world

-SCRATCH THAT! You're his universe!

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